Up next… Spain!

Hi! My name is Lauren Angelini and I will be spending the next four months in Barcelona, Spain with the IES Barcelona: Liberal Arts and Business program. I am currently a second semester junior and majoring in Psychology with a minor in Sociology and International Studies. I’ve been taking Spanish since seventh grade and I am so excited to be able to put that work into practice while learning Catalan (the Spanish hybrid language spoken in Barcelona). I am so excited to spend the semester learning, eating, and traveling until I run out of money!


Me in front of the Lion Shrine.

So now that Christmas is passed and New Year’s is over, it’s finally time for me to finish getting ready for my study abroad in Spain! On January 6th, I am flying out and will be on my way to Barcelona. I finally have my passport and Visa back from the Spanish consulate and I’m getting ready to pack up my suitcase! Packing is my second major endeavor on the road to studying abroad after getting my Visa. With a checked suitcase limited to 50lbs, a carry-on bag, and a backpack, packing is gonna be difficult! My packing list is lengthy and guaranteed to contain more than I can take with along with me, but it’s a good place to start!


My passport and I ready to take on Europe!

I still can’t believe that in only 3 days I will be on my first international flight and on my way to Espana!

Location: Lancaster, PA

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