� The first of course being Pigeons! I cannot stress enough how repulsed I am by Pigeon’s. Maybe it’s because I’m not an animal person but I doubt it. Their gross, point blank!
� Secondly, the tube is a place that holds many people going from point A to point B. It’s a safe and easy way to get around London. I encourage it but there are some things you should know from one germaphobe to the next. Your welcome.
� Buses are another great way to get around London and really get to know the area you are living in as well as walking. In fact I have saved a bunch of money walking to and from school in the mornings and afternoons. But walkers beware you are in for a scare, the buses are not afraid to run you over. Remember you’re not in Happy Valley anymore and Alum won’t stop for future graduates, giving them the right of way. This is London you better run!
� Third creeps AKA “cheeky bloaks”. self explanatory.
� Last and certainly NOT least avoid, avoid, and avoid ‘Debbie Downers’. We’ve all seen the episode of SNL where the giggling Jimmy Fallon, the notorious Lindsey Lohan and the clever Rachel Dratch are at Disney World and Dratch is a burden to all her friends with her down trodden comments. Let’s face it YOSAO(You Only Study Abroad Once) unless you do it twice whatever toots your fancy. You should spend your semester or year abroad surrounded by positive people. Have fun and explore, that’s what study abroad is for isn’t it? Don’t get bogged down with nonsense. As Sweet Brown, the YouTube sensation, so eloquently articulates “Ain’t nobody got time for that!”
Location: London
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I am loving your videos! Too funny. P.S. I am going to London in a few weeks and I can’t wait! Thanks for sharing.
Charmee, you are so funny! Your posts crack me up!
I totally agree with you on pigeons! They’re so scary! But it’s ironic that I fear them because my people–the Chinese–eat pigeons.
The buses are really nice whenever the weather gets awful 🙂
And true, we ought to surround ourselves with adventurous, open-minded and energetic people!!