
Wooooooo, day trips! Madrid being the capital is awesome because it just means I have like 100 million other places to explore that are just an hour or so trip away! Salamanca was a teeny bit further, but still worth it.

A group of girls, pretty much knowing nothing except that me we’re going to Salamanca and that it for some reason was associated with frogs. Yet another trip in which I did little to no research, but as always it was great!!

We decided to go by bus, which was fine…except for the fact that we didn’t realize how early we should’ve gotten to the station. After a little delay, and some not so awesome breakfast from the bus station we were off to Salamanca!

The bus wasn’t an express bus, so it actually took us over 3 hours to get there. I napped for most the way, and had a wonderful crick in my neck when we finally arrived! It was definitely worth the wait though, we got there just in time for lunch in Plaza Mayor J.

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After our nomz, we meandered through the historic area. It was all really close together and just beautiful! We lucked out with the weather too, nice and sunny. We climbed to the top of a cathedral and got to see the whole city til the river and aqueducts as well.

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Another successful day in central Espa�a, which just reminds me that I’ll be heading home soon. Crazy!! 

Location: Salamanca, Spain

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