Exam time in Galway

Hello, friends, family, and fellow Geobloggers! When I left Galway for my Easter break Eurotrip, everyone was tanning outside in the gorgeous 70 degree weather. Now… not so much. It seems that was just a random week of fantastic sunshine.  I’m back to drinking hot tea and enjoying the heater in my room.  Just as well, I guess–it’s exam time at NUIG.  I have two exams this Wednesday, Irish Mythology, Religion, and Folklore and Imagining Modern Ireland.  Those are my only exams during the exam period (Irish Language was during the last week of classes and I only had essays for Irish Lit and Literary Theory).  Then I only have one paper left to do–for my Castles class–due by the end of April. Then I can just relax and travel until I leave in mid-May!

I’ll be writing about my spring break trip soon, but I’ll probably break it up into a few entries so I can write about all my adventures. Preview: we went to Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany!  I’m also studying, getting ready for Dan’s birthday on Thursday, and planning the rest of our international (and local) trips! 

It’s starting to hit me that the semester is winding down. I’ve been thinking about the things I miss at home (namely, my family, Penn State, Target, the convenience of driving, Kraft mac & cheese, etc.) but I’m also beginning to think of what I’m going to miss about Galway…


Location: Galway, Ireland

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One thought on “Exam time in Galway


    So jealous. You are in Galway! I didn’t get to Ireland at all, but everyone I know that went raved about how much they loved Galway.

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