and so it begins…

The last few days have been such a whirlwind! I moved into my dorm on Wednesday. It’s pretty big for my own room, although it’s all white! I need some color in my life! There are five other rooms in my apartment/suite and two bathrooms and a pretty nice common area. I unpacked and then wandered around for a little bit, found a grocery store so that was good. Then we had dinner with all the other IES kids living in my dorm and with a German student. It was so funny to go to dinner, everyone was so tired and barely wanted to eat or talk. 

Thursday we met for breakfast (this is where it gets good), where I had a chocolate croissant. (Can I just tell you how I can not resist the pastries here!!! I don’t even eat sweets at home, but I have had at least, two pastries a day since I’ve been here). Anyways we had a quick and very confusing tour of the city and then were set free to explore on our own, which was fun and definitely caused some bonding. I think our attempts to speak in all German with each other also caused some bonding and a few good laughs. 

I didn’t meet any of my suitemates until today! It was definitely feeling a bit weird to be in this big new place all by myself. Only one out the five are here right now since the University is on break. He is from India and very funny and nice. He showed me everything around the apartment that I need to know for now, so that was nice, I feel more at home now. 

Tomorrow we are going to the Thermalbad (hot springs) somewhere near the black forrest, for some much needed relaxation, I am still so tired! 

And Monday I start my intensive German class. I’m nervous and excited, it has been so weird to be on break from school for so long! I need to get to work again! 

Location: Freiburg, Germany

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One thought on “and so it begins…

  1. Maya J

    Hi Meredith! I am studying abroad in Freiburg too – upon arriving I had the same reaction. I left my apartment and went exploring on the town map in hand. Now it’s become so much easier and I love the city . I’d love to hear what ThermalBad you went to in the Black Forest – feel free to comment on my blog where it is too, I really want to check it out! 🙂 Excited to read more blogs.

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