Muy sonriente

I can’t believe it’s been less than two weeks. It actually feels like time is going slow for once and for that I am thankful. That means that here in Seville, we are making the most of everyday so that our time here really counts. Here’s what I’ve been up to:


I was so sick this week with a “resfriado” (a cold) or maybe it was “gripe” (the flu). I don’t know what I had but I do know that it was bad. Feeling this horrible made being away from home even harder….

What was worse was that the novelty of everything was starting to wear off and I was afraid I was losing my momentum and excitement for being here. I’ll admit I wasn’t my happiest all week but luckily I have an amazing support system that helped me stay positive so that I still made the most of it. Thank you, all!


Classes started Monday. I am in a grammar class. This class is 3 credits in only 2 weeks’ time so you can imagine the course load. I stayed on top of everything last week even though I wasn’t feeling well.

Our first assignment was to go to the Seville public library and take photos, talk to the staff, get a library card and write a two page guide about the library. The hardest part, and all my classmates agree, was writing two whole pages about a library smaller than one floor in Paterno.

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Our next assignment, due tomorrow, (yeah, I should probably be working on that rather than writing this blog…) involved asking our se�oras for two recipes and going to this market to check out the prices. The market we had to go to was really cool! I was expecting a Giant or Shop Rite type deal because that’s what I think of when I hear “supermercado” but this was not that at all.

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Then, we each brought in a traditional Spanish dish on Friday that we made together with our se�oras. [It was really fun on Friday afternoon to make a “Spanish omelet” (called a “tortilla” here) with my se�ora and her daughter. I also liked trying all of the foods that everyone else brought.] Now the assignment due tomorrow involves something about writing about the gastronomy of Andaluc�a but I will worry about that later….

We also had our first exam last Friday. I studied what I could but most of this class is just a grammar review. I thought the exam was easy then we got to leave class early as soon as we finished our exam.

I felt that after my first exam in Espa�a I deserved a treat so I stopped an got a “helado” (gelato) on the walk back to my homestay….(which by the way is a 40 minute walk! And I thought East Halls to Willard was far….)

Afuera de clase

Since my class is only 6pm-9pm I have spent a lot of my time relaxing and trying to get better from this cold. Also, I have shopped around the city, tried to learn my way around Sevilla, tried to figure out what classes I’m going to take at the university and gotten to know my family that I live with.

Also, Tuesday night a few of us went out to a bar for a little while. Then I didn’t have the chance to go out again until Friday because I was sick and trying to relax. (And getting done some school work!)

Mi amor

One of the most exciting things that happened this week was that David and I reserved his hotel for when he comes to Sevilla. He is coming for the week of Feria which is the most exciting time of the year in Sevilla. The festivals are said to be amazing and I can’t wait to experience this together! (Of course the fact that everyone comes to Sevilla for Feria made the lodging situation “mucho m�s caro” (much more expensive) but we’re young, we only live once, and it is going to be more than worth it. TQM <3

El fin de semana de inmersion en espa�ol

Friday night I left the bar early to get home. I had to wake up at 8am to go on a weekend immersion trip to “El Bosque” in Cad�z (another town about two hours from Seville).

I didn’t know what to expect from the weekend but I just knew I didn’t feel like waking up early to get on the bus to go! Also, I did not want to leave the beautiful Sevilla.

Anyway, Saturday morning came and we took the bus to Cad�z. We were staying in a hotel there for the night so we put down our stuff and got right to work.

First, we were each handed a “pulsera” (bracelet) that said “Hablo Espa�ol” (I speak Spanish). This meant that while wearing the bracelet this weekend no one could speak in English. If someone was caught by another speaking in English, their bracelet would be taken. The people with the most bracelets at the end of the weekend won prizes.

Then we split into groups with some Spaniards and some Americans in each group. We explored the city (speaking only in Spanish, of course). It was a beautiful, quaint, small little town. I really enjoyed the relaxing atmosphere. It was a pleasant contrast from the city of Seville.

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That night we also got to go out in Cad�z which was really fun. A new bar, a new town, new people- it was very exciting. And of course…we were speaking only in Spanish.

Me encanta la naturaleza

Today we an amazing “Senderismo” (hike) along a river in Cad�z. It was incredibly beautiful. I really love hiking and seeing beautiful sights like this so I hope to do much more of this.

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Then we had some lunch where we ate outside in the sun and after we were able to just relax for some time in the sun. I fell asleep laying on a bench just feeling happy for this opportunity and the experience I was having on this immersion weekend.

I had to wake from my peque�a siesta to do some more activities in Spanish. After, the winners were announced for those with the most bracelets! I came in 2nd place! (I know, I am quite the loser 😛 But a won a Universidad de Sevilla t-shirt! )

I feel very drained and exhausted after this weekend because it was NOT easy to use only Spanish all weekend. However, I loved the challenge and I feel very proud of myself and much more confident in my Spanish speaking abilities after the experience. I also LOVED “El Bosque” and that we were all able to spend so much time together all weekend.

Back to Seville

Welp, time in the Bosque was short lived… Back on the bus. Back in Seville, walk back to my homestay, get a much needed shower…annnnd write my blog to update all of my loved ones about what’s been happening in my life!

I know that weeks will just keep getting better, even though I really am missing everyone back home.

Now, it’s time to relax, eat dinner with my “Spanish family”….and I should probably start my homework!

Hasta pronto, xxoo

Location: Cádiz, España

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