Weekend LIBRE…y clases?!

Me encanta Sevilla <3

Those of us who spent the weekend in Seville got to know the city a little better. (Some more than others, because if you’re like me you still don’t know your way around!)

Anyway, some friends and I met up to walk and shop around town on Saturday morning. (Wait no-not morning…afternoon!!) It was nice to see the different styles here in Spain and spend time with others in my program who I already feel close to.

“Real life Stumble Upon”

While we were shopping, Kelly heard some drums beating and said that we should head over to see what the music was. When we found the source of the drumming, we saw an amazing parade with awesome costumes and music.


I don’t exactly know that the festival was or what the parade was for..but it was still so cool to see!


Then we headed back for dinner and decided to meet back up to watch soccer (futbol) and get drinks. We kind of missed the game but we saw the tail end. It was an extremely important game. Someone explained it to me as a rivalry like the Yankees and Red Sox. Me? I know nothing about sports and I’m not into them but I figured while I’m here I’ll at least try to enjoy some futbol!


Discoteca, otra vez

Then we walked around trying to find a discoteca. We found a fun one and danced and had fun. I had a long conversation with a Spaniard at the club and it felt good to use my Spanish with a native speaker. That’s what I’m here for, right? But I really like going out in Spain. It is so much fun. In a strange way it is also relaxing.

Good thing one of our friends here is on top of her game. She reminded us of a tour in the morning. Without her, I would have totally missed it!

Cranky- but still happy?!

I woke up early to get to this tour. I didn’t eat breakfast because my host mom was still sleeping. I was also exhausted from the night before and so sore from walking so much. Also, I was freezing cold (I know I have no room to complain because it snowed at home, but I was cold!) Those who know me know that you cannot even talk to me if I am even one of the above problems.

We started the tour of “Reales Alcazares”  and nothing could stop me from enjoying this experience. It was so powerful to learn about the history of something while actually being there.

Every piece of that place was beautiful. I wanted so badly to just time travel and live in that place and NEVER leave. (I would also settle for working there now as maintenance…seriously, I would do anything!) (P.S. To those who are visiting me in Spain, expect to see this amazing place!)



Caf� y charlar

We left and everyone was STARVING. We stopped at “Caf� de Indias” (the Starbucks of Seville…even though there are Starbucks, too). I had a cappuccino and a waffle. I have to say– and sorry if your mouth waters– the whipped cream here is to die for. It is rich and creamy and AMAZING.

We all sat there at the caf� learning more about each other and expressing how AWESOME it was that we were at a caf� in Europe just chatting. So so awesome.

Then, I returned to my homestay for lunch and of course had a very long siesta!

Afterward, I met back up with my friends and we walked around and shopped again until I returned to my homestay for dinner.


So I learned about this term last semester in a culture class. It was hard to understand but now I think I have a good example. Let me explain.

First of all, our living room is our dining room. I mean that directly in front of the TV is the dining room table. When we eat, we watch cartoons because that’s what Maria, my host sister, likes to watch (mostly Disney Channel-same shows!)

But last night, we were watching something and a movie comes on. Morgan Freeman enters the screen and at the same time my host mom and I say “A mi me encanta esta actor!” (I love this actor!)

So, what I’m trying to say is there are so many similarities between home and here.

Another example–My host sister likes ketchup as much as my boyfriend. I didn’t think I would ever find anyone who loves ketcup that much, especially not in Spain!

Gracias a Dios por la technologia!

I am so happy to be studying abroad in this day and age where I can be half a world away and still see the people that matter most in my life whenever I want or need to. (And if we haven’t Skyped yet-you know who you are- then we need to ASAP!)

My boyfriend has been so amazing and is always ready to Skype. It helps so much to be able to see his handsome face while I’m over here.


STUDY abroad.

That’s right. I’m here to take classes…how did I forget? Today started the intensive session. Luckily, my class is 6pm-9pm (you would never catch me saying I was lucky for this time back home! But the rhythm here is so much different and it is actually a great time. Right after siesta and right before dinner!)

Also, I had the whole day to be productive and hang out with friends. I finally have a movil! If you want my euro number let me know!

So the intensive session is two weeks of one class. Three hours a day. I’m in the grammar class and I’m very thankful. I need this to be the push to give me confidence en espanol.

The first class went well, but as always after reviewing the syllabus I feel overwhelmed. I keep telling myself I know I will get through it! (And besides- it’s only two weeks!)

Off to bed!

Adios, xxoo

Location: Los Remedios, Sevilla

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