Greetings from Killington, Vermont!
Since I had a longer than usual break, my dad decided that we were going to spend 3 days shreddin snow on The Beast of the East! For all the non- skiers/riders out there, Killington is the biggest and baddest mountain on the east coast, and i think i may be in love with it (we’ll see how the long distance relationship works out though). Its been an interesting few days, as it usually is when you put me and a downhill slope in the same general area. Day 1 started out with exploring the mountains, and me gettin crazy eyes at a run called Superstar. This run is nothing like any Ive seen in PA, and im pretty sure its even a good bit steeper than anything i saw in Aspen, CO last year. Apparently i should have spent a little more time warmin up after not skiing for awhile, because I ended up spending the first quarter of the run sliding headfirst on my back like a human bobsled. Not the reccomended method for skiers last time i checked, but hey, i think i should get a few style points at least. Of course, I had to redeem myself so I headed up the mountain on Day 2 with a youre-so-going-down attitude. Unfortunatly, they were making snow on Superstar, so I had to wait until Day 3 to conquer it. And conquer it I did! I managed to not make that much of an idiot out of myself, though i must say I have NEVER had that much lactic acid in my legs before :P. Oh well, should get me in better shape for when I hike Kilimanjaro in a few months! Then I pulled out all the stops and decided to ski a double black called Cascade, which I actually found easier in comparison.
It did feel really weird not to be in State College while all my friends were starting classes. I am leaving in a few short weeks though and I guess I will eventually get used to the idea!

Location: Killington, Vermont

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