Hey there. Well the countdown officially reads 5 days till Spain today. Wow. I’m not really sure that it has set in yet. In fact, I know it hasn’t. After planning to study abroad for so long, it started to seem like one of those things that would be perpetually stuck in the future tense. At this point, I’m hoping it sets in sooner rather than later and maybe that will jump start me into feeling the need to pack. It’s going to be kind of a big deal fitting four months of my life into two suitcases. Especially since everyone and their mother have given me the advice to underpack so I have room to bring souvenirs, etc. back home with me. HA. Good joke. I can see myself sitting on my bedroom floor next Monday night staring at two empty suitcases that need to be filled by the next morning. I’m not psychic but trust me, that’s how it’s going to go down. But I mean, I have glanced at the recommended packing list and that counts for something. Right? Anyway, I’ll update you on how the packing process turned out later even though now you already know what to expect.
Goodbyes are strange aren’t they? I’ve already started making them. A few were back when the fall semester at State College ended. It was sad but my departure was still a month away at that point so it wasn’t too bad (except for my roomies, that sucked). Then I said some more to distant relatives that I only see around the holidays. That was ok considering I don’t see some of them beyond the holidays too much anyway. Then my close friends and boyfriend went back to school last week. That was the first set of goodbyes that really felt off. Partly because I’ll miss them of course but also because they are heading back to school and I’m not. So I’ve just been sitting on the couch watching HGTV and reading all their tweets and status updates about the good and bad parts of their first week and a little part of me feels sad to be missing it. Also, I can tell my mom is starting to get a little upset. Her hugs are a little longer the past few days and she’s been randomly telling me she loves me. Poor mamacita L
That’s about all I have for now. I’m nervous but then again, not really. I’m excited mostly. Not for any specific thing really, mostly just to finally get there. To finally get to the point where all the many unknowns become known. I have many expectations and many things of which I have no idea what to expect. It’s time to fix that. 5 4 3 2 1… GET ME TO SPAIN!
Location: Quarryville, PA
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