PSU Weekend in London

So my most recent adventure took place last weekend, when I made plans to meet up with two of my good friends from Penn State in London.  Kyle and Simon have been roommates of mine for the past few years, and they are also studying abroad this semester, in Rome.  Simon has  lived in England for the first 15 years of his life, and still has family there, so he knows the country pretty well.  We had been meaning to meet up in Europe at some point this semester, so last weekend when we were all free, London seemed like an obvious choice for a great weekend.  And it was just that, after a little initial confusion.

We were flying out Thursday night and meeting up in the airport, since we would have to take a train to get into the heart of London where our hostel was.  The only problem was that their flight from Rome landed 2 hours before mine was supposed to, we hadn’t exchanged European cell phone numbers beforehand, and they forgot what flight I was supposed to be on.  So after they arrived, they checked for flights arriving from Spain, and picked the wrong one.  After an hour of not finding me after they thought my flight was supposed to arrive, they started worrying.  They paged me in the airport, called people back in the US to try to get a hold of me, and ultimately ended up giving up and going to the hostel.  And all of this took place before my flight was even supposed to get there.  So after I did arrive, I didn’t find them (obviously) and after almost an hour of looking I gave up and went to the hostel as well.  Luckily we all ended up in the same place, only one hour after we were supposed to meet up.  So it really wasn’t so bad, just some poor planning and miscommunication, and a few unnecessarily worried people back in the States.

After a sub-par night’s sleep (the beds were just awful) we started our first day in London with a proper English breakfast – 2 big strips of bacon, 2 sausages, 2 eggs, baked beans, toast, roasted tomato, and tea.  This was a nice break from all of the light food I’ve been eating in Spain, finally something with fat, flavor, and substance.  We then tried to hit all of the big tourist spots in London – the Parliament building and Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, the London Eye, and the Tower of London.  Unfortunately we couldn’t get into parliament/Big Ben or Buckingham Palace, and Westminster Abbey and the London Eye weren’t worth the admission price.  We missed the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace, but thankfully we would be able to see that the next day. 

DSC01593.JPGDSC01605.JPGDSC01586.JPGDSC01611.JPGDespite all of that, the Tower of London was amazing.  We did pay to get in, mostly based on the fact that it was where the royal jewels were housed.  That was where we went first.  Unfortunately we couldn’t take pictures, but they were simply amazing…ridiculous, ostentatious, gleaming, just crazy.  I could never have imagined a collection of jewels so big, so much gold and silver…it must literally be of incalculable value. The other neat part of the Tower of London was that it was the heart of London’s defenses for hundreds of years, and is currently home to a museum of all of the old weaponry.  We got to see everything from canons and suits of armor up through modern assault rifles.  This was also the site where they would bring in traitors and enemies, try them, and usually execute them (and for this it is rumored to be haunted).  All in all, it was really cool to see, and thankfully I was able to take pictures of it.

We also spent some time in Simon’s favorite part of London, Convent Garden, where there are a lot of outdoor pubs and a big plaza where street performers are always putting on shows.  We spent a couple hours there enjoying the good shows, heckling the bad ones with some locals, and enjoying a few pints the whole time.  The drink of the weekend – “cider and black” – hard cider with black currant juice (it is soooo good).


Truth be told we spent a lot of time in pubs over the weekend, for various reasons.  Firstly, the food – fish and chips, bangers and mash, buffalo wings, etc.  Secondly, the drinks – heavy beers and ales (that don’t exist in Spain) and, of course, cider and black.  Thirdly, the videogames/trivia/gambling machines they had – our favorite game was clue turned into a trivia/gambling game that was a lot of fun and somewhat addicting, good thing it only cost 50 cents a game.  One of the things I found most interesting about the pubs was that I managed to run into a PSU alum in one of them – she was in town with her husband and a few others for a stamp collector show.  She bought us a round of drinks and we chatted with her whole group for a few hours, they were some really interesting folks.  This just goes to show that it’s true what they say – you can’t go anywhere without running into a Penn Stater.

The next day, we went back to Buckingham Palace to see the fabled Changing of the Guard.  To be honest, it really wasn’t all that exciting.  They packed the plaza outside of the palace with tourists and guards, so it was fairly hard to see anything happening inside the gate.  But here’s how it went – the old guards assembled inside, the new guards marched in with a band, the two groups of guards did some military drills inside the gate while the band played, and the old guards marched out with the band.  Not nearly as exciting as I thought it would be.  Not only that, but tourists aren’t allowed to get inside the gate or anywhere near the guards, so the old stories of trying to get a rise out of the guards since they’re supposed to be like stone can no longer be tested – what a shame.


So after that thrilling event, Simon took us to a “rich-person’s shopping mall” called Harrod’s.  At first I was skeptical, but it ended up being one of the highlights of the weekend.  The building takes up almost an entire city block, and is 5 stories high.  The first two floors were what I was expecting, with clothes, jewelry, and stupid accessories that were so expensive I couldn’t even believe it.  But the third floor held the kids/toys section, Christmas wonderland, the Millionaire’s hall, and best of all, the Harry Potter area.  The kids/toys section just had awesome toys that took us back to our childhood.  Christmas wonderland was completely decked out and put me in the Christmas spirit early this year.  The Millionaire’s hall had all sorts of posters with autographs and memorabilia from all of the most important movies/bands/groups throughout history – Star Wars, Elvis, the Beatles, Indiana Jones, US Presidents (yes they had something signed by every president), Michael Jackson, the list goes on.  The Harry Potter section was as good as you could have imagined, it even had a legit wand shop.  I really had to fight myself not to waste a bunch of money on Harry Potter memorabilia.  The next floor was sports, with all sorts of incredible sports apparel, training equipment, signed stuff from famous athletes, and even a 100,000� diamond and ruby encrusted golf putter.  The top floor had the technology – from dual screen tv’s that double as a mirror when not in use, to mind-numbingly loud speakers, to spy equipment – it was a dream come true for me.  Even though the only thing I could afford was a small present for Britta, it was awesome spending at least 3 hours just wandering around Harrod’s in awe.


That night happened to be the 5th of November, which in England, is a big holiday.  It is Guy Fawkes Night, where they celebrate his failed attempt to blow up the parliament building back in the 1600’s.  The theme of the night is fire, which they celebrate with fireworks and a bonfires.  We went to a big park where we knew there was a good show, and it did not disappoint.  There was a bonfire about 40 feet high, and then a 30 minute firework show with lights and flamethrowers, all coordinated to fire-themed music.  It was a so much fun. 


Link to my video of the fireworks/music:

The next morning, Simon and Kyle’s flight back to Rome left much earlier than mine, so I met up with a few girls from my study abroad program who had also spent the weekend in London.  We wandered around and did some random stuff, but the only thing worth noting is that we went to Abbey Road and recreated the Beatles album cover.  It was surprisingly just an average road (with a fair amount of traffic that made it difficult to get a picture) in an average neighborhood.  But we did it anyway, and I think the picture game out pretty well.

386240_1422201873050_1172790916_31143616_1306124530_n.jpgMy flight left in the afternoon, and I ate a decent meal at the airport with one last cider and black to end the weekend.  By the end of it I was exhausted, but we had had a blast and I really liked London – the first city I could actually see myself living in. 

That’s all for now…�Hasta pronto, amigos!

Location: London, England

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One thought on “PSU Weekend in London

  1. Alison Pavilonis

    Really informative entry! Kyle is in my study abroad program here in Rome and I think I remember you saying that before! I’m going to London over Thanksgiving break so it was really helpful to see all the places you visited and enjoyed!!

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