A lot of the time when I talk to strangers such as store clerks, tour guides, they are in awe of the fact that I am speaking Japanese. I say one sentence, probably something like `I`m from America.` and they instantly go `You`re Japanese is so good!`
In America, it is just so natural that so many different people speak English that I can hardly think of a time that I complimented someone on their ability to communicate. Even amongst my international friends, I just accept that fact and don`t really think about the work and effort behind it. But in Japan, speaking Japanese feels a bit like a circus trick. Especially when my host family claps when I`m done with my homework. Tonight, Otousan was explaining that he had to do overtime at the store tonight. `Do you understand `overtime?` he asked me. I said I did and he commented to Okaasan, `Oh really? She even knows overtime! That`s amazing.` Mostly I don`t think too much of it. Other times I seriously wonder how many people go to countries and can`t even spit out a sentence or two. They`re giving the wrong impression for the rest of us!
It`s probably just that Japan is very homogenous and I`m the shiny, colorful blip on their radar at the moment. Though I can understand that idea, it`s still a strange occurence.
Location: Minami-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi-ken, Japan
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I had to laugh when I read this blog because I’ve been thinking the same thing! I’m in Florence, Italy, so a lot of people in the touristy areas do know some English, but people are so surprised when you actually try to speak Italian! I’m definitely going to try and be more conscious of it when I go home and it made me respect people who speak English as a second language in the U.S. a lot more.