Homestay in Ocean View
This weekend I did a homestay at a “colored” township in Ocean View. Before I can describe my experience, I first have to explain the term “colored” in a South African context and also describe what Ocean View is. In South Africa, there are three major racial groups: Black, White, and Colored. Black and White are both pretty much self-explanatory. Colored, however, is the term South Africans use for people who are of mixed race. Basically, it’s what we refer to as mulatto in the states. During apartheid, many colored families were forcibly removed from their homes and sent to Ocean View to live. Today, it is a marginalized community, much like the ones we have in the U.S.
The program I’m studying through had us stay with one of these families for the weekend. I stayed with a family of four: Brian, Tania, Kiara, and Tionna. They were amazing hosts and hospitable beyond words. When I went into the homestay, I wasn’t sure what to expect, as our director had told us that we should be careful while there. When I got there, though, I realized that there isn’t much difference between the way they live and the way people in marginalized communities in the states live. For instance, when I went to the corner store with my host sisters, I saw that there were bars on the windows and no one could get inside. While this was absolutely absurd to the other American staying in the house with me, I understood that in areas where crime is more prevalent, this is a natural occurrence. I think it’s interesting how we sometimes confuse socioeconomic differences for cultural ones. And while I understand that socioeconomics influence culture, I don’t think that we should jump to conclusions about “Africa” based on the marginalized communities alone.
Like I stated earlier, though, my host family was great. Saturday night we had a braai at their house that was very reminiscent of a cookout at my own. Sunday they took us to the waterfront and then brought us home. They were amazing people and I plan on visiting them again before I leave South Africa.
Location: Ocean View, South Africa
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