窄門 [Narrow Door]

After returning to 台南 I spent a lot of time at my grandparent’s. It was nice just being able to spend time with family again.

My cousin and her roommate took me out to play and eat whenever they had time. This one place we went to was a used books bookstore. The bookstore was actually a really old house that people converted into a store. That’s something that’s been popular in 台南 recently, converting old buildings into store fronts for a more classic and different feel. They didn’t allow pictures to be taken in the bookstore which is a shame since the decorations and arrangements of books was really interesting and creative. Next to the bookstore is a cafe (i think) with a really narrow door. The cafe is called 窄門 which means…narrow door. You can’t really see how narrow it is in the pictures but the doorway and corridor leading to the inner door was about 2 feet wide. You can see part of the bookstore in the second picture on the right hand side.

Location: Tainan, Taiwan

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