Back to Tainan


I went back to 台南 the day after I finished with my final presentation and the CIEE goodbye party. I decided to take the 客運 back instead of the 高鐵 because of the cost and also because I had more time to spare this time (and because I was getting poorer as well as getting scolded for spending money T.T). I was SUPER surprised at the cost. It cost me around 200 NT to get from 台北 to 羅東 when I went with my friend so I thought my ticket back to 台南 would cost me at least 400-500 NT. I forget the exact cost but I do remember that when the lady at the counter told me the price (I believe it was still somewhere within 200 NT or even less which is like $6) my mouth almost dropped open. I gladly paid the price though and I remember punching myself inside for not taking the 客運 more. I was really thankful to my 嬸嬸 for taking care of me a lot. She sent me to the 客運站 and even went in before me to ask the counter lady that because I was an international student, if the bus driver could shout out where I was supposed to get off. The thing about 台灣’s 客運 is that although they have official bus stations where they stop, there are also random stops throughout the city where people can be dropped off if they need get off there. My stop was going to be one of those random stops so I guess that was why my 嬸嬸 thought I might not know where to get off. 

The bus ride itself was somewhat uncomfortable. It was kind of packed and I sat at the very back of the bus. Though there was air conditioning, because of the number of people and the unbearable 台灣 heat, it was stuffy inside. “One Piece” was playing on the little TVs but there was no sound and pretty soon, everyone put down their curtains and slept. The ride was going to be a little more than 4 hours long so pretty soon I dozed off too. I remember being in that state of sleep where you are kind of aware of everything around you but you know you’re still sleeping so you don’t really do anything. I do remember thinking that I hoped my mouth wasn’t open when I was sleeping but oh well if it was because I was too tired to do anything about it. Around 4 hours later, I woke up and looked out the window to see that we had arrived in a city. I checked the time and a little less than 4 hours had passed so I thought we had arrived to the final destination. Somehow though, the city I saw outside wasn’t like the 台南 I knew. I soon found out that we had only reached 台中, halfway point only. I guess there was traffic. I remember feeling like crap and my neck hurt from my weird sleeping position. My hair was also messed up but I didn’t care enough to fix it. Hahahaha! We stopped in 台中 long enough for people who wanted to use the bathroom to go and comeback. There was at least 2 more hours before I would reach 台南 but I didn’t sleep anymore. Finally 2.5 hours later we arrived. It was almost dark and the bus driver did indeed yell out my stop but he almost drove off without opening the luggage compartment for me to get my suitcase! 

The bus drove off after I got my luggage but then I realized I had no idea where I was. I thought I would know but the time of day made a difference I guess. I walked around and finally recognized the store my grandpa took me to once to get snacks and I was able to find my way. That was only after I realized I walked a whole circle around when I should have just walked straight. But regardless, I was proud of myself for finding my way by myself and I patted myself on the back.

It was nice to be back in my hometown although it was very very humid and hot. I shall write about my last 2 weeks in Taiwan soon. I also have a ton of videos to upload but alas, my slow internet at home does not allow for me to do so efficiently so I have to wait to get back to Penn State before I can give this blog an official closing.

Location: Tainan, Taiwan

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