Feeling Part of the Family

I have been living with my host family for over a month and I can feel the difference in tension/tone from when I first arrived until now. When I first came, there was tension in the air, not in a negative way, but just referring to being afraid of the unknown. We didn’t know each other at all. Therefore, I had no idea what to expect: what do they eat, what do they don’t eat, are they an open family where you can relax and use the phone without asking, are they a bit closed off, etc. In the french language there is a formal and informal way to address someone. If the person is someone you do not know, a boss, etc, you would use “vous” to address them and in the opposite situation you would use “tu”. The first two to three days, they were using “vous” so I followed their lead and used “vous” too. By the end of week, they were using “tu” so I knew that we had gotten comfortable with each other.

With time, I came to find out my family is a very relaxed and opened family. They really enjoy having students stay at their house. I also noticed that they appreciate learning about each student’s culture. I am of Haitian Descent and they are also asking me about my culture. For example: what are our special dishes, our music, our language, etc. My family and I can spend hours after dinner talking about the similarities and differences between our cultures. They teach me new vocabulary. My host dad has lessons of the “Franche-Compt�” culture, (the region where Besan�on is the capital). He always has different cheeses for me to try and also provides the history of the cheese. I have learned so much from both him and my host mom.

My host mom and I like both like to “cuisiner” (to cook). She knows that I have a sweet tooth, or several, so she is also preparing desserts. I love her cooking and her baking. Sometimes, if I am back from school on time, we bake together. Below are some pictures of this fabulous dessert she made this week.


Here she is preparing the dessert. It has “crumble” which is a mix of fruits with a crumble crust on top, a scoop of vanilla ice cream, a scoop of raspberry ice cream, and an almond cookie she made.


Here is the end result! We had dinner outside that day.

All in all, I am starting to feel apart of the family. My host parents are sharing with me things that are important to them. For my host mom, it’s her love of cooking and baking. For my host dad, it’s his love of gardening. That same day that we had this dessert, my host dad showed me his tomato garden and at dinner he wanted me to be the first to taste his tomatoes. I felt special. I think staying with a host family is the best way to go. You not only create a bond, but you learn much more than just regular course-taught subjects. 

Location: Besançon, France

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