Life at Sussex!

Life so far at Sussex has been great.  Here are some words I have come across while living here:

Trousers= Pants
Loo Roll= Toilet Paper
Fob= It grants you access to your building, kind of like your id card in the dorms (except this thing is wayyyy cooler)
Cheers= thank you or goodbye (it’s usually said at the end of a conversation)
Bap= I think its like a breakfast sandwich or something like it
Blackcurrant= it’s like berries?? i think (i tasted it in a drink called Ribena)
Queue= Line (one of my favorites)
Notes= Bills
Jumper= Sweater
Lolly= Lollipop

I participated in the International summer school Pub Crawl last Thursday it was a lot of fun. What i noticed was that no one carded me, even though I look like I’m 12. Also all the brands of beers they had were very unfamiliar except Heineken and Guinness. On Saturday I went through the school to London on a walking tour and river cruise. It was a lot of fun, I got to visit all the major sites and got so many great pictures. Tomorrow I will be headed to the pub on campus for karaoke night, Thursday night at 12:00am is the harry potter pt 2 premier, Saturday I might go to Oxford, Windsor, and Eton through discovery tours (still thinking about that one), and then Sunday off to Stonehenge for the day. bussssssssy.

Class has been going great, this week a lot of people are presenting projects. I go next Wednesday, and mine is on Gender Roles. We also have a paper due next Tuesday that I’m currently working on. It has to be 1000 words and I have about 860 so I’m getting there. Well I’m off to make dinner and watch some YouTube videos my friend Terry suggested.


SI850873.JPGTrafalgar Square

SI850930.JPGBig Ben

SI850929.JPGThe London Eye

SI850890.JPGGuard at Buckingham Palace

SI850758.JPGPub Crawl in Brighton

Location: Brighton, United Kingdom

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One thought on “Life at Sussex!


    I really enjoyed reading the new words you have come across! It’s interesting how most of them are English but mean something slight different in American English. I also love your pictures! I am currently in Besançon, France and they never card Enjoy!

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