Happy birthday to me!

I’m extroverted, yet shy. It’s a combination destined for misery, but somehow I ended up surrounded by ten new friends at a Canadian bar on my very own birthday. And that was only my first day here. 

When our professor first suggested we go to a bo�te � chanson, the aforementioned drinking hole, my classmates and I were skeptical. A “song box?” She explained that it was tr�s Qu�b�cois, and that all the locals go to buy drinks and sing along to popular songs. It sounded cheesy, but I didn’t want to spend the night in my dorm room alone, especially on my birthday. So I tagged along.

What sounded like a drag was actually a cozy, cavernous bar filled with French Canadian 20-somethings. I’ve always been envious of glamorous city-dwelling, bar-hopping 27-year-olds (who isn’t?), and here I was celebrating my birthday among them.

What made this a “song box,” though, and not a bar, was the man who entertained us in the middle of the room. He sang and played classic songs on his guitar with enthusiasm; it was impossible to ignore the thumping of his happy, familiar tunes. The audience sang and bounced along the entire time. It was lovely. And did I mention that the entertainer told the audience it was my birthday and dedicated “Brown Eyed Girl” to me? Lovely.

My only picture is blurry, but hopefully you can tell how intimate and cozy this place was: 


Most of the songs were in French, and created by the great chansonniers of Quebec–the region’s classic song makers. These songs have become the region’s musical prize, and they form a style of classic, perky folk songs unique to Quebec. The audience’s enthusiasm for these songs was infectious, and at some point, I realized my friends and I were the only non-locals in the room.

The atmosphere was festive as the Qu�b�cois celebrated their identity. And I celebrated it with them. I can’t imagine that any club, no matter how loud the pop songs and how bright the neon lights, could ever top the joy and camaraderie at Voutes Napoleon last night. But I guess I’ll have to see about that.  

Location: 680A Grande Allée Est, Quebec, QC, Canada

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