I’m having a crisis right now. I’m feeling so overwhelmed because I want to do so many things that just are not possible in one lifetime!! Right now I am completely obsessed with living abroad and I literally just want to study abroad in every country. I kind of want to just stay in school longer so that I have more time to study abroad (and this is already my 2nd summer studying abroad). Living abroad is just absolutely amazing–I feel like I just never want to do the “real life” thing. And I’m stressed now because I want to become fluent in 5 languages (English, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, and either Arabic or French) but that means that I need to spend more time in all those countries and there’s just NOT enough time!! Even if I live one year in each country, it will take 4 years. But then one year might not even be enough to solidify my knowledge of those languages. How do people who know so many languages do it?? I feel like it doesn’t make sense to live abroad so many places though. I probably have to narrow down but I don’t want to choose! I wish I knew more about the opportunities there are to live abroad. I don’t really know what it will be like when I’m actually living and working rather than studying though. I’ve recently been thinking that I literally just want to be young forever, never get married, and just travel for the rest of my life. How am I going to get back into reality? Or is the “real world” we know of just a social construct of hopeful college students? I’m freaking out because life is too short to not live it up, seize all opportunities, and take risks! I have 8 more years of youth before I have to conform to society’s norms of getting married and having a family (maybe 10 if I never find my soul mate). Never in my life have I been less romantic and un-wanting of romance. I’m so scared of getting attached to someone because then my heart and mind won’t be free to do whatever I myself want to do anymore.
Okay, I feel better now after translating those thoughts and emotions into words. I literally was freaking out about 15 minutes ago. I’m calm again, but I still want to travel the world and do amazing things. Something like what Liz Gilbert did in Eat Pray Love would be absolutely amazing…
Location: Sevilla, Spain
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