The Royal Wedding

Going to the Royal Wedding was a very spontaneous event for my friend Liz and I. We decided to get the first train from Canterbury to London at 2 AM the day of. We each got about 2 hours of sleep and highly caffeinated ourselves once we got to London!


                                                 (Trafalgar Square)

I could easily compare the amount of hype in the air for the wedding to the Superbowl  in the States. Everyone is really excited, wants  to have a good time, a lot of alcohol and tons of security. 


(Our view of the wedding)

Liz and I got to London at about 8:30 and we could walk around pretty freely but as time went on it took longer and longer to walk from point A to point B. After walking down the Mall for an hour trying to find a good spot we planted ourselves on the edge of a fountain in Trafalgar Square to watch the wedding on a massive screen. We chose to watch it on the big screen rather then stand for 3 hours along the Mall just to watch the procession.

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1.Free hats from Sony    2.Horse security   3.Attempt to get to Buckingham Palace

Location: London, Trafalgar Square, Royal Wedding

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One thought on “The Royal Wedding


    I am so jealous that you were actually in London for the wedding! I was just watching it on TV in my pajamas, haha. Your experience was obviously a thousand times cooler.

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