Una Semana: One Week Until Puebla!

Hola! I’m Kelsey, an English/Spanish major here at Penn State, and I cannot believe that in one week I will be in Puebla, Mexico! It is so surreal. I mean, I’ve been intending on studying abroad during college since high school, but it still hasn’t really sunken in yet.


Puebla skyline

Skyline of Puebla, Mexico! Photo courtesy of Picture Ninja


I’m really looking forward to a lot of things on this trip, though! For one, I can’t wait to majorly improve my Spanish conversation skills! It will be an incredibly valuable skill to have, both academically and practically.


Admittedly, I am a little nervous about getting homesick. It’s going to be a long seven weeks without my friends, family, or the comforts of home, but I’m sure I’ll be able to beat any homesickness that may surface and become a more independent person for it. Plus, I’m excited to gain new friends and meet new people. For one, I can’t wait to meet my Mexican family! My host sister contacted me on Facebook a little while back, and she seems really sweet! I have host parents, my host sister and her older brother, and even a Chihuahua named Benny!


Also, is it strange that the one thing I’m really not that worried about is safety? When most people hear I’m studying abroad in Mexico, the first thing they tell me is to be really, really careful. However, I’ve been told multiple times that Puebla is a safe and beautiful place, and I truly believe that it will be.


I guess I’m simply too excited to immerse myself in Mexican culture and learn about its history. The sites we’re planning to visit seem fantastic, and I am simply cannot wait for that authentic Mexican cuisine! It’s going to be interesting to learn about the Mexican lifestyle. I think it’s important to get outside of the “American bubble”, and I can’t wait to gain knowledge about our southerly neighbor.


Well, that’s about it for now. Hopefully I’ll be able to update frequently about my travels and experiences in Mexico! It’s going to be an amazing journey for sure!



Location: Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

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