Introduction to Spain

A little bit about Barcelona: This may be a little bias being that I loved every second spent in this country. It was a wonderful time away from the current England gloomy weather. Barcelona was sunny and in the 60’s every day we were there (end of February), it was beautiful. If I spoke Spanish and had the opportunity to study abroad again I would study there! 

perfect spain pic

Some of the differences, there seemed to be just as many people (men and women) driving mopeds as there were driving cars. It was between 60 and 70 degrees for the five days we were there and most people were wearing parkas whereas in England, at the current time, it was rainy every other day. On Sundays the majority if businesses were closed out of respect of the country’s main religion, Catholicism, some restaurants and tourist things were open.  

I mentioned in an earlier blog about how America entertains other part of the world, well they entertain Spain as well. American music is played everywhere; most people have no idea what it is saying though. We were sitting in a nice restaurant and Cee Lo Greens most recent song came on ‘Forget You’ only it was not censored. The song just felt so out of place in a nice eating environment. The daily routine in Spain is much more relaxed than anywhere I have ever been. Breakfast doesn’t really exist, if someone east breakfast it is on the go and consist of a croissant or pastry early in morning. Lunch is typically around lunch time, noon. From about 2-4 during siesta time (which is a nap), some people go pick their kids up from school, some close shop and take a few hours off then they go back to work or open their business back up at 4 and are open until 6 – 8. Restaurants and super markets are a little different though. They are open during siesta so people can eat, get food and are open until about 11 since dinner doesn’t usually begin until 9 PM. What a difference in daily routine from England and America. 


Location: Barcelona, spain

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