Winter Break Part 2

February 21st

Arrive in Rome. We Stayed at the Funny Palace. It was a little bit interesting since you checked in at a laundry mat next door to the actual hostel. But the hostel was very nice overall.

hostel rome.JPGWe went to a little place around the corner and got a 2 course meal for 8 Euros not bad at all. Then we met up with our friends from Paris and we all went out together.

February 22nd

Dayna went to the Vatican and Caity and I wandered around the area we were staying in and ate lunch at a cute little Latin American restaurant. Then when Dayna got home we all get dressed up and went on a long walk to the Spanish Steps and then the Trevi Fountain. We went to a place recommended by one on Dayna’s friends a little Mom and Pop place where all of the study abroad students in Rome go to eat dinner.

spanish steps.JPGview.JPGtrevi.JPG



February 23rd

Dayna and I woke up early or semi-early and went to get our free breakfast that came with the hotel for each night you stayed. It wasn’t bad orange juice and a piece of pound cake with chocolate sprinkles. Then we headed off to look at the Coliseum, the Forum, and the Palatine Hill. It was really amazing and so far the best tour guides that we have had have been from Rome. Caity decided to go shopping instead. Then we all met up back at the hostel afterwards and went to dinner. We went back to the area of the little Mom and Pop restaurant and went to another one near there.


February 24th

Checked out of our Hotel at 10 am and while Dayna and Caity went to go find breakfast and I went off to find all of the cool little things around Rome that people don’t go to see on an everyday basis until 1 when our train left.


Next Stop Florence.

Location: Rome, Italy

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