The White Cliffs of Dover

A group of 5 friends and I took a mini excursion to the White Cliffs of Dover this past Friday. The reason I call this an excursion is because we walked from Dover Priory Train Station to The Castle of Dover and then to the White Cliffs of Dover. Apparently almost no one walks from the train station to the castle and cliffs but we made it and plan on doing the trip again in April.

Once we made it up the very steep hill from town and up many stairs it was unfortunate to hear that the castle was closed for the day due to strong winds (over 83 mph) around some parts of the castle. We then proceeded to the Cliffs. The booth clerk at the castle made the walk to the cliffs seem like it was less then a mile away. Well she was wrong. We walked on a windy road without a foot path for about 2 miles. Our group made the winding walk very memorable by playing silly games that made time passed quickly.

We made a pit stop at the tourist center for their coffee cafe. After our bodies warmed back up we had just a little further to the top of the cliffs.
Dover Castle
This was the best view of the castle we could get since we weren’t allowed on tour for safety reasons.

It was very windy and we pretty much had to shout in order to hear each other. We only lasted 10 minutes at the top. We did get to see how busy the port is with ferrie’s constantly going back and forth to France.

My friend Liz took her video camera with her and documented the majority if the trip. It give a good sense of the windy but fun day we had. Thank you Liz for letting me use your video to share this experience with friends and family!!/video/video.php?v=10150402655705179

Be looking forward to hearing about Barcelona in 2 weeks then Paris and London in the near future.

Location: Dover Castle, Dover Priory Station, global citizenship

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