Pre-Departure Update

getting ready.JPGWell, this is it. My flight leaves at 9:30pm EST from JFK International Airport, and will be landing at around 11am CET at Flughafen Frankfurt am Main. From there, I have to go through customs, and then it’s an hour-long train ride to Marburg followed by a short bus ride to report to where I need to be. I’m more nervous about the trip itself than anything else, because this is the first time I’m travelling such a long distance by myself, without any family, friends, or other students. Once I get to Marburg, though, I’m sure I’ll be fine.

As for updates from the past three months, there isn’t really much to tell. The most eventful thing was an attempt to apply for a Visa while I was still in the US back in January, but it was denied because I didn’t have the official acceptance letter from Marburg yet. I have all the paperwork ready now, so that’s one of the first things I have to take care of once I get to Germany. Other than that, the only happenstances were filling out applications for the orientation and a month-long language course that starts next week. I have to take a test on Wednesday, and based on the results I’m going to be placed in an appropriate level of the language course. The goal of it is to get us up-to-speed with our German before classes officially start in April.

So, I guess that’s that! I’ll get another update up later this week once I’ve gotten myself settled in at the University of Marburg!

Location: North Caldwell, NJ

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