Just checking in

+ Life is still grand here in Leeds. I haven’t done much recently that warrants blogging here. I keep my own blog daily, but it’s much more friends-only. 

+ Classes are classes. Considering what little effort I’ve put into my modules this year, I’m happy to report that my lowest grade for last term will transfer as a B+ to Penn State. I also have confirmed that I only have to do the fall semester when I get back. That means I will have graduated with a Penn State degree with only spending 5 semester, or 2.5 years on campus. I am extremely grateful for that. 
+ I do miss THON. It’s the only thing I thought I was going to miss this year and I do miss it. I hope it’s going awesome for everyone there!
+ I don’t understand immigration laws. I speak English, I will have a university degree and I will have lived in the UK for a full year, but do I qualify for a visa? No. Nope. Nada. Stupid EU agreements are making immigration laws in the UK even more strict. I may have to do a grad program after all just to come back and be able to live and work here for a few years. 
+ I’m going to see Swan Lake at the ballet in London next month. Bertie’s mom is taking me. I’m quite excited because I’ve never been to a ballet even though I danced ballet for 8 years when I was growing up and after seeing “Black Swan” (and loving it) I’m really curious about the actual ballet. 
+ Filmmaking is going well! I had an unpaid job last week as a runner for a casting session. The director ended up liking me so took my details to help out with the actual production. I’ve also helped with a new short that I co-wrote, produced and starred in for a competition. Bertie and I are in the writing stage for another short and (hopefully) a feature film for the distant future. I do love being able to do this sort of thing! I never would’ve done this back at PSU.
+ A year is a long time to be abroad without a job. Although I did a careful budget, I’ve managed to spend way more than I should’ve by this point. Am going to the part time job fair at the uni on Monday to see if I can get anything for a couple months. We shall see. 
+ Been ill with a stomach bug all day and have had no sleep so I’m going to see if I can fix that. 

Location: leeds, UK

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