Brighton: A very proud place

It was no secret to me, even before I came to Brighton, that it is widely regarded as the homosexual capital of the UK. Now, I don’t want to offend anyone; I have gay friends, and I don’t have any issue whatsoever with that lifestyle. Having said that, I’m not going to live in the homosexual capital of the UK and NOT go to a gay bar. The time? Midnight. The place? REVENGE bar and night club. The mission? Drink all the drinks that are seen as taboo for men to drink in the states (Smirnoff Ice, Mike’s Hard Lemonade, and a new addition, WKD), and dance the night away.  Well mission success.  Did my friends and I get hit on a little? Yeah, we did, and we were prepared. One of my friends was even eating it up a little too much. Don’t get me wrong, we tried to blend in. I consider myself a social chameleon; able to blend in to any environment at the drop of a hat. And we did just that. In short, it’s safe to say that I can cross “attend a gay club” off the ol’ bucket list.  Unfortunately, the majority of pictures taken were on a friend’s camera, and due to new facebook restrictions, I can’t save them to my computer.  But here’s one from mine.  brighton gay bar006.JPG

Location: Brighton

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One thought on “Brighton: A very proud place


    This entry made me even more excited to study abroad in Brighton this summer! haha.

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