Picture Captions

For some reason, the captions to my pictures didn’t post! So from top to bottom…

Julie is holding the hands of some children walking around outside our camp. They love to hold our hands, talk to us, have us take their pictures, really anything that involves interacting with us. Afterwards Julie showed us the muddy handprints they left on her palms 🙂

There is a wonderful little gazebo on a hill in the middle of our camp that is perfectly shaded and has a great breeze. It’s wonderful to sit in when it’s really hot in the middle of the day.

No joke, this guy climbed up on this boulder and started posing for us. I’m guessing he’s not camera shy…

I think baboons are pretty cute, don’t you? 🙂

GIRAFFE!!! Enough said. This was the first african mammal I saw. Giraffe in Swahili is “twiga”.

These are the wonderful vehicles we use to get around. The tops can open up for our game drives.

We did the best we could to pass the time in the Nairobi Airport with card games and anything else we could think of. We met the Zimbabwe futbol team there!

Location: Rotia, Tanzania

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