Reason #3 for why I will move to England: Orange Wednesdays

Orange Wednesdays are the greatest days. Every Wednesday my mobile provider, Orange, gives out a code so I can get 2-for-1 Pizza Express and cinema tickets. So every Wednesday Bertie and I go to Pizza Express for either lunch or dinner (sometimes both) and we each have dough balls and then I order a La Reine pizza (mushrooms, ham and olives) and he orders the American (a lot of pepperoni). We also go to the cinema at least once, but half the time we go twice. We both have Orange so we can do that. 

This is being mentioned now because I have my last final in an hour and a half for my “sexuality, subculture and stigma” module. While it was my favorite module this term, I didn’t put as much time as I should have for this exam. Mostly just a few hours yesterday. But I’ve been busy actually having a life and living up my year abroad, so it’s justified. Also, if I get a 2 on this exam I get a C at PSU and credit for the module. Not that I’m aiming for a C, but it’s still comforting. Am glad I rocked my first essay!
I met up with a friend from my LJ blog Monday! We’ve known each other for a couple of years online now and she lives in Leeds/goes to the uni here. We were just too lazy/busy to meet up in the fall so we finally got around to it. Her housemate made us dinner and I went out with her and two of her friends for the night. We had a fantastic time!
(Rachel on left, myself on right)
Anyway, I should stop procrastinating now and cram a bit more. And sleep afterwards. I don’t sleep the night before if I have an exam before noon out of fear that I’ll oversleep. Yes, I am paranoid. Yes, I am exhausted right now.

Location: Leeds, UK

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