Packing- Take 5

Brown heeled leather boots? Gray suede boots? Extra black flats? Every decision is like Sophie’s Choice. Between matching tops to bottoms, there are the accessories, and the jackets and whether I’ll be able to bring a weekend bag within a bag (or Russian egg-bag packing, as Kristen calls it). After reevaluating my room which mirrors a bomb drop zone, I settle on the assumption that I’ll have to buy regular black heels after the weather clears up, and have visitors bring all of my warmer weather wedges and dresses.

I have created a spreadsheet of every article of clothing I may bring, and have cross referenced the respective uses of each object. Finally limiting myself to two large rolling bags, a backpack and a purse I am ready to hit the Newark airport and start this adventure!

That is, until I realize that I haven’t gone through the freshly laundered clothes that seemed to magically appear in my room. It’s time to start repacking, and fortunately, I stumble upon my car keys and passport that appeared in the pocket of a packed jacket. Oops.

Unlike Sophie I was able to bring more than one (pair of shoes that is). But five pairs aren’t that much better.

Location: Lemont, Pennsylvania

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