Wait, I still have to pack? Oh no…

I love to travel.

I used to go on vacations all the time with my family and I would be the first one packed and ready to go. Sometimes I would pack a month or so in advance because I was so excited. What ever did happen to that girl? Because nowadays, I hate packing more than anything.

I think I can attribute it to my senior year of high school. I lost my house in a fire right at the end of my junior year so I was moving around a lot before finally moving back home. But six months later it was time to move to college. So that’s mainly the reason I don’t like packing. It is just strenous. I have to make lists, figure out what clothes I want to bring, the toiletries I need just for now, all the paperwork; just way too stressful.

And, I am leaving in 3 days for London. With this snowstorm here, who knows what could happen? I know I need to buck down and get into London mode, but I just don’t like the stress that comes with packing. Plus, my family is on me to get going. I’m doing necessary laundry right now so I make sure I take the clothes I want and need. And I’m constantly checking the weather in London so I know I’m ready.

I am excited, but nervous too. This is definitely a brand new experience for me. I’ve never lived in a city. I’ve been a suburban girl my entire life! My brother is already telling me how to get from the residence hall to my classes and I’m getting so confused. It will definitely be an adjustment in the beginning, especially with the time difference. My dad and I are scoping out places to watch the Outback Bowl because we cannot miss a Penn State football game! So much to do and so much to look forward to in so little time. I better get going before I miss my flight in three days!

Location: Bethlehem, PA

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One thought on “Wait, I still have to pack? Oh no…


    hey tabitha! I agree, packing is the WORST. and even after all the worrying and cramming, chances are we’ll probably still forget things or bring things that we will never even use. I suppose that comes with the territory though when one experiences something so completely new. Good luck in your travels! -Mandy

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