Start to my journey abroad

Hey everyone!!

I will be studying abroad to Seville, Spain this Spring semester. I’m very excited and anxious at the same time! I’ve never been out of the country nor have I traveled to a different part of the world. There are many reasons why I chose to study in Spain, I love the language, culture and especially the food as well as the interest in living in a completely different society.

I grew up with a small but supportive family throughout all my life and they also very excited to hear that I’ve chosen to study abroad. I hope to gain knowledge and new aspects of the people, culture and language during my study abroad. I have a lot of expectations such as; a lot of traveling in the country, making friends in my new hometown Seville and be able to communicate more fluently. On my free time I would like to visit popular cities and taste all the different types of food available (inspired by the travelchannel).

My journey abroad to Seville Spain begins here!



Location: State College PA

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