26 days and counting!

Hey everyone! My name’s Rachel Brownell and I am a third year student at Penn State majoring in Management in the Smeal College of Business with a double minor in International Business and Global Business Strategies for Alternate Energies. I will be studying in London, England at City University during the Spring 2011 semester. My flight is scheduled for January 1st out of Newark – that should be interesting! I’ll make sure to start my blogging that day and let you know how my traveling is.

I have a huge passion for traveling and I am so excited to be living in England for 4 months! I’ve been to Europe twice so far to Spain and Italy – I plan on traveling all over England and Europe while I am studying abroad and I am really excited to be able to share my experiences with you! I’m really looking forward to being exposed to different food, fashion, customs, and cultures (in general).

Feel free to respond and comment on any of my posts! I’ll let you know how my travel day goes!

Location: State College, PA

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