Food and Animals

Today, our IES group went to an estancia (ranch).  I hadn’t realized how much I missed the breeze, the trees, and the animals.

Thumbnail image for RanchMate
The general feel of the day was a day of socialization with friends.  It was a very relaxing day, as we sat around drinking mate on the lawn.  Argentineans are a little bit obsessed with mate.  They put mate tea leaves in a cup, fill it with hot water, and then drink it out of a straw that filters the leaves out.  Then, they carry around a thermos of hot water so they can keep refilling it and drinking mate.

Thumbnail image for Food!
Not only did we have mate, but we had a ton of food.  First, we ate empenadas (kind of like a really small, flaky stromboli with beef on the inside).  When we came inside, we ate the spread shown above: vegetables and fruits galore.  We were then offered all types of meat (pork, chicken, and of course beef) on skewers.  Argentina is known for their free-range cows and the beef was indeed delicious.  There was also a huge array of absolutely delicious desserts, some with the characteristic dulce de leche.

We also saw some awesome animals including armadillos, storks, peacocks, and rheas and rode horses.  Below is a link to a movie of the rheas.  I don’t know why they started running around crazily, but it was quite amusing.

Location: 964 Libertad, Buenos Aires, Argentina

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3 thoughts on “Food and Animals

  1. from Beijing to Argentina

    Maravilloso! looks pretty incredible…makes me want to be back there! Enjoy the life and classes… 🙂

  2. Anonymous

    wow…you got to ride horses! what a great day! thanks so much for the pictures and sharing your day with us…

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