If you don’t know me, my name is Lauren and I am from Allentown, Pennsylvania. This June (June 2010), I will be going to Tokyo, Japan. In Japan, I will be taking a language intensive Japanese class. No, I’m not a Japanese major – I am actually an accounting major. However, I would like to obtain a minor in Japanese and International Business. What I am hoping is that this trip to Japan is only the beginning of my travels!
Speaking of this trip, it was a lot of work getting all the paper work done to apply and, not only that but, getting all the paperwork done after I was accepted! As anxious as I am right now, I know it was all worth it. I met with some other students from Penn State who will be going to Tokyo with me which really helped me out. I am actually going to be flying from New York to Tokyo with one of the students I met, Brian. I’m glad I don’t have to fly all that way alone. I have flown tons of times, but the airport was a sort of dazed experience for me – I just let the other people in my party tell me where to go. Advice for you… pay attention next time your in the airport, it might come in handy when you fly solo! Haha. I hope I can figure out where to go and what to do and make it through security! Packing is sure to be interesting….
That’s all for now! A little more than a month before I leave for Japan! To be continued…. ^_^
Location: State College, Pennsylvania
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