Hi everyone. My name is Megan Albright and on May 17th (can’t believe that’s in less than one month!) I’ll be traveling abroad to Prague, in the Czech Republic for one week. This past semester, I’ve been enrolled in COMM410 -International Mass Communications- here in State College, PA. I’ll be traveling to Prague with three other students from the class, one of the course’s teaching assistants, and the course professor. My trip abroad is part of a new embedded program with the COMM410 course which is being kicked off with our group! Words can’t describe my excitement to experience life outside of the United States (I’ve only ever left the country to go to Canada) and I’m looking forward to sharing many of my experiences with everyone via geoblogging!
Location: University Park, State College
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Hey girl!
You’ll have to let me know all the best places to see! Me and stefan are going there for a few days after our programs end!