1 month – sayyy whatt??

Hey there everyone. Welcome to my blog.

Currently, I am sitting here nice and comfy in Boucke on campus. Abby sits right next to me with the other girls in the trip scattered throughout the room. We have gotten acquainted with the geoblog system and now we are set for the summer. Oh, I should probably do the introduction stuff first??

My name is Andrea. I am a sophomore here are the lovely Penn State. I am majoring in Management and CED (Community, Environment and Development). This summer in about 1 month I will be jetting off to Mang’ula, Tanzania for 6 weeks. Totally crazy. I can’t wait.The program is through the LARCH college and will have about 11 other students going as well.  I think all of the girls are blogging so check out their blogs too. It might be kind of interesting to compare all of ours.

Anyways, I digress. Today has actually been a pretty busy day in regards to this trip. I got my immunizations from the health center – Hep. A, Typhoid and Polio Vaccines – and I just turned in my Visa paper, pictures and passport to get the visa. Notice I said mentioned no Yellow Fever vaccine. I will not be getting it because of the medicine I am on and all this nonsense. Let’s hope I stay Yellow Fever-free! I’m really not too worried about it but  the nurses and my mother make me think I should be….oh well. We will take a little risk, see what happens. We also got our final flight itinerary today. That means as of noon on May 17th I will be on my way to Tanzania!

I am so excited for this trip. Nervous – yes! Overwhelmed – a little. But excited – of course. I still have a lot to do before I am ready to go. Supplies and such need to be purchased, information needs to be read, mothers need to be calmed and the semester needs to end. But through all that I am super pumped. I was reading some of the other blogs when I should have been paying attention to the training session – but the other blogs made me anxious to get there. I am pretty sure I will hit some hard culture shock – something I didn’t see to much in other blogs. If you stick around prepare for some intense blogging on my culture shock and hardships. You will not be spared from these details.

Tanzania better get ready – 1 month!

Location: State College, PA

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