I know I haven’t blogged practically anything yet because I keep forgetting but I am going to make it up on the day right before I go back to the states. So I was practically jetlagged for a week, I didn’t sleep until 4am and woke up early for class. Once I start to get used to this school, I have to leave already. One session is so short here, I wish I had more time to travel but it has been a good experience. Fun fact is that there are cows right behind my building, just hanging out in the field. This little campus makes me realize how much I love penn state. Nothing is comparable to that beautiful campus. I’m actually very sad that I missed arts fest and one of my best friends 21st birthday. Everybody seemed to have came back from abroad and reunited over the weekend. I am also grateful for PSU because all food places close here around 8pm and there’s nothing in walking distance, so somehow I’ve been surviving on groceries that I only bought the first week. I miss how easily it was to get food. How is it possible that I still have so much pasta left when I barely bought any?! So this whole summer session with the childhood social development class had me all stressed out for awhile. We have presentations and the final essay that’s worth 50% of my grade. I was just concerned because I haven’t had to do this kind of work for a non-science class for so long. So I’ve been frantically trying to start everything early and over worrying that I might be headed in the wrong direction.
So let’s start with the first weekend I went out to London. It was amazing and everything I expected it to be. It’s a city that I would enjoy to live in, it reminds me so much of New York City. What was surprising was that it was actually more crowded than I thought it would be. It was a true struggle fighting through the crowd, I had to pull some New Yorker moments. We trekked around the city and the first place we went to was Buckingham Palace, I didn’t know what the whole fuss was about cause apparently the changing of guards happens everyday. It was super crowded and it was like fighting war just trying to see anything. Then it started to rain … (Who’s surprised, it’s England). Then we went off to see the London Eye and Big Ben. London is such a gorgeous city, this is how I know I am a city girl. Then, we went on a river boat cruise, and the architecture of the city was amazing. We went off to London’s chinatown and got a bite there, it’s so small compared to New York but I’ve been told it is the larger ones of Europe.
Location: United Kingdom