I’ve experienced a lot of new and fun things in Japan and I love it! I have been to several popular locations around Tokyo (Akihabara, Shinjuku, Shibuya, etc.) and it’s fun and all but I think it would have been a better experience to have a Japanese friend show me around all those places instead! A few weeks ago, my epal and her friends showed me around Akihabara and I had a lot of fun!! I even bought 10 manga books for 700 yen (total!)
There was an event called Marugomi located in Chiba a few weeks back. I volunteered for it with the IES students. The goal was to clean up Chiba (but I don’t think there was much to clean up!!) We were given free T-shirts and gloves (FREE STUFF!!!) and I also got a picture with Chiba-kun!
I went to an autumn festival with my host family and it was very interesting. They took me to a local shrine where the festival was held. I was able to offer 10 yen to the deity of the shrine to make my wish! The process includes bowing and clapping (I already forgot how many times!) And I saw an interesting tradition where people were chanting and carrying a portable shrine!
There were a lot of other things I’ve done but I’ll leave that for the next entry. It’s already my bed time! Look forward to it! =)
Location: Tokyo, Japan