Dear Friends,
Since coming home from Study Abroad I have been asked so many questions from friends and family members. And of course everyone’s first question is what was your favorite part. I can’t pick out a specific country or place that was my favorite to visit but I can say all my best memories from abroad have one thing in common. They all
involve you guys. The people I met while studying abroad and the friends I became even closer to by getting to travel and try new things with. All of you made a huge footprint in my study abroad experience. You made me laugh when we got lost in giant cities, you never gave up on finding that specific gelato place we just had to try in Rome, you watched and laughed while we rode camels, you took pictures to capture all of the amazing memories we have. I want to thank you constantly keeping me moving a
nd always reminding me that we will never all be here again together. All of you truly made me appreciate all of the experiences we were having that much more. If one of us was tired there was always somewhere there to keep of the group going so we could enjoy everything that every city had to offer. Without all of you I would not have gotten to sing and d
ance in pubs at all hours of the day. I never would have had the courage to climb to the tops of castles in Portugal or mountains in Scotland. I never would have tried exotic food like haggis and fish with their eyes still staring at you. I never would have even thought to b
athe in beer in Prague. Without all of you I would have laughed a lot
less. Getting lost would have been way less fun and language barriers would have only been annoying and never funny. I have pictures and memories that I love to look back on when I want to remember all the amazing and crazy things we did.
I really did find my pots of gold in Dublin and I’ll always treasure all of the memories we made and can’t wait to make more.