Tag Archives: life

Life or something like it

It’s been a while since I’ve posted, and I apologize for that! I’ve been super busy with course work and whatnot for the last two weeks, but that’s all done now so back to the posting. 

I submitted my first assessed works this week. My first essay was a 2000 word essay question for my Sexuality, Subculture and Stigma module that revolved around the stigmatizations of gender and sexuality as signposted by 19th century law and culture (and the development of sexology). I got way too into it and spent a lot of time doing enough research to write a dissertation, not a 2000 word essay. My other essay was a 3000 word one for my International Politics module regarding the UN and its failure to meet its Charter aspirations. I didn’t like the subject, I don’t particularly enjoy the module, and I was so engulfed in my previous essay that this one got a bit shafted. I think it ended up being decent enough, but I prefer to worry about classes I really enjoy and feel gain more from so I’m not bothered. 
Halloween was good fun. I never go out at PSU because a) I’m underage b) the costumes for girls don’t appeal to me and I would freeze and c) I prefer to watch movies and avoid strange people 😛 It was lots of fun here though. We had a mini-party in the flat across from me and then Bertie and I went to the theater just before midnight to see Paranormal Activity 2 since we didn’t want to go clubbing with everyone else. 
I had my 20th birthday last week, too! My birthday’s on the 11th, but I was going to London, so my friends and I celebrated it on Tuesday the 9th. We did a half-Otley run (Otley run is an 18 pub pub-crawl) beginning at 6pm and had a blast. It was a great night and my friends gave me homemade cards and a plate and mug that they decorated together and signed to commemorate my year here. It was really sweet. My friends made a balloon man named “Party!Paul” that had to be carried around all night and if someone popped one of his limbs they had to buy drinks:
I went to London the following day and stayed with Bertie. On Thursday, my actual birthday, he took me out to a nice lunch and we went to Camden for a bit so I could hunt for a record bag. We didn’t find any before we had to head to Leicester Square to see the premiere crowd for Harry Potter. It was insane. We got there just as Emma Watson was arriving and she looked awesome. We stayed until all the big names showed up then grabbed a quick dinner before going to see a show called La Soirre. It was a good night overall. We spent the rest of the weekend loitering around London and having a Lord of the Rings (extended versions) marathon for 12 hours complete with movie theater popcorn that we went to a cinema to buy. Yes, they thought we were odd. 
Aside from birthday shenanigans, it’s been pretty quiet for me with mid-term assignments due. I’ve been keeping up with my belly dancing class (just got back from a social with that where we went and saw a performer), making movies in filmmaking (I’m acting and producing! Basically, my life goals), keeping up with work, cooking a lot of spaghetti, and wondering what to do with my life. 
Am off to Vienna in a little over a week, so expect a post when I get back from that!

Location: leeds, uk