Tag Archives: Lambeth

Down and Out in Lambeth

Since getting internet in my dorm, my blogging time has been eaten up by my Sporcle time. And that has taken quite a hit by my people watching (read: boy scouting) missions. So I’m going to assume that I have finally learned how this works, and that posts are going up.

I’ve only been in London for a week, but already I feel quite at home in my little neighborhood. I live in a dorm owned by the University, and although there is not a campus (we are told to think of London as our campus), there are about 50 students in the building, some of them also international. However I like to imagine myself as an Oliver Twist character. I don’t yet have a blanket or sheets, so I sleep on the floor next to my heater, covered by my jacket and using a bag as a pillow… And they turn the heat off at midnight. It’s sort of like camping, right? But apart from that, and the bathroom not working, it’s great! I can even see Parliament from my window.

Everyone has been so wonderful helping me out, and pointing me in the right direction. I think it helps that I’m constantly smiling like an idiot, but that also leads to a lot of conversation and invitations.The other day I met the most interesting artist on my way to a meeting, and he bought me a coffee told me about all of these wonderful little hidden museums and art shows.

I’m currently hosting my friend Flat Stanley, on behalf of Emily, and he has attracted his fair share of gawks. The fact that he has a red, yellow and green face only makes him fit in in a city like this. Or maybe it’s that I ask random people to take a picture of a piece of paper and myself, with a disposable camera from the late 1980s.  lambeth road.bmp

Lastly, eventually I’ll get to relevant things!

Location: 1-5 Lambeth Road