Wow! I’ve been in Perth for almost a week, and what a week it was. It’s been fun meeting students from all over the world: Italy, Netherlands, UK, Canada, Singapore, and of course the Aussies. Everyone here has been so friendly and outgoing, it doesn’t seem that nationality matters.
I was able to go into the city a few times just to get a few basic items. Its interesting that some items like tissues, soap, shampoo are priced about the same as in the States but food is much much more expensive. It’s a good that I have all my meals provided by Tommy More. I learned that the minimum wage here is $15, so that’s about double of the United States so it all evens out I suppose. Downtown area is very pristine and very laid back like much of Australia.
On Tuesday we had to go to an international student orientation put on by the university that lasted all day. Wednesday the college put on a program called a day by the river, which allowed the international students to take part in Australian sporting events. I got to row in a dragon boat, which is a large boat that can fit about 20 people who row, kinda similar to crew. It was a lot of fun and we were out on the water about an hour. That night we had a taste of Australia Dinner, where I ate Kangaroo, Emu, and Crocodile. The kangaroo was the most tender the croc was really hard and tasted kind of like rubber.
Thursday, we were able to go to a wildlife park and I was able to pet a Kangaroo and Koala. That was definitely one of the highlights of my week! The downside has been how hot it has been here on Thursday it was 103! Friday was enrollment day, so I got my student ID and registered for classes. Its time for the start of another busy week, they call it O-week, which is orientation week for all Aussie freshmen and international students, its going to busy but it should be a lot of fun!
Location: Perth, WA, Caversham Wildlife Park