Category Archives: Africa

Location: Cape Town, South Africa

The Old Biscuit Mill

If you want to see as many CIEE students as possible, all you need to do is go to Old Biscuit Mill (OBM) on a Saturday morning. 

Old Biscuit Mill

The OBM farmer’s market is open once a week that sells all kinds of foods and clothing and every Saturday we go it is always packed with people come rain or shine. 

People at the Mill

You can go there just to eat for the day or to shop for your weekly groceries. I think my favorite part of the mill, besides the free samples and falafel, is that it shows how diverse South Africa really is, from the lady from France who makes the best French health bread, to the South American couple steamin’ up a mean bowl paella. 

making some delicious sandwiches

 I also love to buy food and just sit on the hay bags and chat with strangers about almost everything. 

Me eating a falafel

Location: Cape Town, South Africa


For our final group outing, our RA’s took us to the region of Bo-Kaap in the city.

Bo-kaap trip

 Its right up the street from the business district and as you can see it’s pretty hard to miss.

Bo-Kaap houses

This area holds much historical value to South Africa. Bo-kaap is a Muslim community consisting of generations of descendents of former slaves brought from eastern Africa to serve the Portuguese rest stop in southern Africa. With their many interactions with different people and languages in Southern Africa, the slaves formed the language which is now known as Afrikaans.  I learned from the people of Bo-kaap that their ancestors were also imprisoned at Robben Island long before it was used as a prison during the time of Apartheid. I enjoyed their welcome and felt their sense of community and it shows through their day to day life. Food, music, and color are a big part of their community. Most of all I enjoyed all their spices and amazing SAMOSAS!!!!


I have literally eaten my body weight in samosas and potato balls!!! I plan on buying about 6 packets of masala spices and samosas spices to bring home. Every year the people continue a tradition started by the slave ancestors where they put colorful cloth over their clothes to not be recognized and sing songs about their owners. Now it has become a huge competition in Bo-Kaap where hundreds of band collectively consisting of thousands of people come together and compete. 

Bo-Kaap Houses

Imani charnan and I

Location: cape Town, South Africa