Since I last wrote, a lot has happened: most notably, I’ve been on trips to Venice, Verona and Brussels, Belgium. Venice was unbelievably gorgeous. I’m a gawker by nature, so my friends basically had to drag me around while my head lagged behind, limp tongue protruding from my drooly maw. Verona was cool: the girls wanted to see Romeo and Juliet stuff, and the guys didn’t see much else to do, so it was decided. There was a visit to a coliseum that got the testosterone pumping, though, and that made the visit worthwhile. Brussels was the city I’ve enjoyed most thus far, including Florence. The locals were open and friendly, the food was greasy and delicious (the mussels weren’t greasy, but they did come with a side of greasy fries), and the nightlife was unlike anything I’d ever seen before. Indescribably excellent trip, so I wont even try. No, I will not be talking about the trips I’ve been taking in this post, because something fascinating happened last weekend: we found a body in the Arno.
Well, to say we found it is a little misleading (though it made for a good hook, didn’t it?). My friends and I were walking along the Arno on our way to a Caff� that we heard served bagels and American-style coffee when we saw huddled at one point on the wall that overlooks the Arno a large crowd, a fire truck, and firemen. Intrigued as any good rubber-neckers, we joined in the huddle, pushing our way to the wall when our turn came up. Looking over the edge, there’s about a 30 foot drop down to the banks of the river, and there lying horizontal in a small motorboat like a Nordic king was a body-shaped lump covered up by a black plastic bag. Everyone felt the moral obligation to say out loud how horrible it was, but no one bothered pretending they weren’t interested. One girl said “I think I see a hand”, and sure enough there was a hand peeking out from behind the black plastic. Once everyone had gotten their fill of the morbid sight, we made room for a new set of spectators and resumed the quest for food. We were abuzz with energy due to the discovery, and strolled off to eat our bagels and drink our coffee. And to think, I could’ve been in Prague that weekend and missed the whole thing!
I’ll update the post if I can find the news article that’s said to be floating around with specifics.
Location: Florence, Italy