Author Archives: mtd5104

La Rificolona – Festival of Paper Lanterns

Thumbnail image for firenze2 046.JPGLast week we went to La Rificolona, or the festival of paper lanterns. Like many of this city’s traditions, the festival has been taking place for as long as most Florentine’s can remember. While the traditions that go along with it have taken on new form over the years, the festival originated as a celebration of the life of Virgin Mary and her faith, as many believe September 8th was her birthday.

If you look into the history of La Rificolona, you’ll find that it started as a completely different tradition than what it has grown into today. Every September, dating back to the 16th century, the city of Florence has celebrated Mary’s birthday with a feast and festival. Because of this large celebration, many people from all over the countryside would come to join in the festivities. Not only did they wish to honor the Virgin Mary, but it was right around harvest period, and the events led to big crowds that the farmers and peasants could sell their summer harvests and goods too.

In order to get to the city however, the people from the country needed lights to guide their way, and would carry lanterns on high poles as they walked toward the city. Most would arrive during the great feast, and spend the rest of the evening setting up their stands around the piazza and the church, singing songs and celebrating amongst themselves.

While many people did come and purchase the goods, they also mocked the peasants and farmers, as they were often less fortunate and dressed in different ways. Many of the women wore costumes or overdressed, and that is how the name of the festival came about. The word “Rificolona” actually developed from a word describing these women’s abnormal dress. 

Today you may not find this great feast or the traditional market fair, but you will still find a multiple day celebration, especially by the children. Kids from all over come to Florence and carry paper lanterns of all shapes and sizes in a parade around the city, ending in a square with music and food stands. Here you will find families from all over Italy celebrating the holiday.

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It was a really neat event and a great way to experience the Italian culture first hand. If you’re ever in Florence around the 8th of September, make sure you join along in the festivities! 

Location: Florene, Italy

Is this real life?

I arrived in Firenze on Wednesday and I know it’s only been a few days, but I still have a hard time grasping how beautiful this city is. Every single time I leave my apartment I trip over the uneven sidewalk because I’m staring at buildings, statues and artwork like a confused tourist.

I’d recommend that every one of you visits this place at some point in your lifetime.  There’s so much to do and so much to see; I’m so grateful I have a few months here to explore it inside and out.
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Our apartment is incredible. Our balcony is pretty big and it overlooks a gorgeous courtyard.

We’re on the third floor and about a twenty minute walk from the school, so hopefully we can walk off some of this pasta, pizza, wine and gelato, which by the way is AMAZING.
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One thing that has been a life saver since I landed in this city was the Duomo. Not only is it by far the most remarkable building I have ever seen, but you can see it from almost everywhere. If I can find the Duomo, I can find everything else, whether it’s my school, my apartment, or the market.

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We got to explore the city a lot after our orientation this weekend. Some of my favorite spots so far were the square with the infamous David statue, the market, and the Arno river.  I’m sure that list will just keep growing as I learn more about the city’s history and explore other parts of Italy, so stay tuned!
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Location: Florence, Italy

What am I getting myself into?

Hello everyone! My name’s Megan Dewalt and I’m a junior at Penn State University. This fall I’ll be doing a sustainable agriculture program at The Institute at Palazzo Rucellai.

205723_10150574340645697_830985696_17985828_5078535_n.jpgI’ve been trying to start this blog for a few weeks now, but everytime I’d begin writing something, I’d end up deleting it and telling myself I’d do it later. I couldn’t figure out what people would want to know about my trip. I finally realized that every single time I tell someone that I’m studying abroad in Italy next semester, they ask me a ton of questions and always voice their concerns, so I figured I’d start by responding to some of them.

1. Aren’t you going to miss Penn State and your friends and family?
2. I can’t believe you’re missing football season.
3. Do you speak Italian?
4. Where are you living? Do you have roommates?
5. That’s going to be a long flight.
6. How are you going to fit all your stuff in two suitcases?

1. Yes, yes and yes. I love being at school, and being away from friends and family that long will be the hardest thing about this trip.
2. Please stop reminding me. I’ll totally become a soccer fan though.
3. Only what I’ve picked up in the bathroom at Macaroni Grill.
4. Great question. I’m not exactly sure. An apartment somewhere in Florence.. and I hope so!
5. Yes, indeed it will be.
6. To be honest I have absolutely no idea how I’m packing.

Well there you have it, the honest answers to those questions. I won’t lie, of course I’m scared. More often than not when I try to answer those questions, my responses scare me even more. Maybe I’m not prepared. Am I getting in over my head? Then I remember that I’m going to live in one of the most beautiful places in the entire world for almost four months. I’ll be surrounded by incredible architecture, delicious food, and amazing people who want to help me learn and grow as a person. This trip is going to be one of the best experiences of my life.

Yesterday someone asked me the simplest, yet most loaded question of all: “What are you getting yourself into?”

Well.. I have absolutely no idea, but I’m really excited to find out.

Location: Harrisburg, PA