Author Archives: cmt5324

Its not Goodbye its… umm Deuces

      First of all this video is a summation of me fighting back tears and reminiscing on what I learned and because of that it literally makes no sense at all. So I decided to write a little excerpt on what I actually wanted to say. So consider this a translation:  
My experience abroad was unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. I had the opportunity to go to Paris, and spend a couple days in Scotland. As I look back on what I learned I realize that I learned more than just geography(I didn’t know the difference between the UK and Britain and England and I thought Paris was Italy…I’m really smart. What can I say?). Its one thing when to learn something at a desk and its a whole new experience by immersing yourself in another culture, breathing, feeling, and grasping every new experience as your own. 
I came here with intention of studying theatre but I didn’t study it, I was enlightened by the deeply rooted culture. I was able to see shows at fringe venue’s, The National, Hampstead theatre, and even homeless shelters. Our teachers encouraged independent learning by experience and for that I will always be grateful.
I moved around a lot, as a kid, and I was never able to call any place home, but that all changed this semester. London is my home now and for the first time in my life I felt accepted by being me. I was surrounded by love in a way that made me feel important and worthy. It took a trip to London to figure that out but I wouldn’t have it any other way. 
 A year ago study abroad was just a dream but it became something that was tangible with hope. I hoped and prayed for years to get out of the small town of State College. I finally did and now with my last hours before boarding my plane (I never thought I would say this) I miss that rinky dink old town. I miss the cows, I miss strangers stopping to smile at you, I miss camping, Wal-mart, and tree’s. I miss the smell of manure and the smallest mall known to man kind. I miss the tradition of being in a college town. I miss State College (Eww that just sounds weird). But most of all I miss my family and I’ll never forget the family that I created here in my home away from home-London. 

Location: London, United Kingdom

No Money No Family 21 In The Middle of London


So this semester is coming to a bitter sweet close. Bitter cause I just had coffee (without sugar) and sweet cause I have a taste for gummy bears! So on my way back from my acting final I thought to myself “I wonder what would happen if there was a game show that I could go on and in 30 seconds ramble off all the things that I’ll miss about London?” So I made a video about it…Duh!  But before you watch this bad boy realize that I am tired and I have an obsession with a particular song. Enjoy and comment!

Location: London

What I learned in London (the hard way)

This incredible time in London is coming to a close. Its bitter sweet because I’m going to miss this city. In a lot of ways I feel like its been a second home. I’ve never felt more comfortable in a city and I don’t think I ever will. But there are a couple of things I’m going to miss. Actually its more that a couple the list is kinda infinite but I narrowed it down to about 10 (I actually have no clue, I just wanted to sound like I organized this video into comprehensible thoughts). I learned so much but a lot of these things I had to learn the hard way. 

For instance buses are really fast! I didn’t get hit but I had some serious scares.Or going in the tube as a foreigner and realizing after ten minutes of serious girl chat that I unintentionally invited everyone in the cart to hear about the ups and downs of my love life (score!). This list goes on and on and on but the main thing that I learned living On My Own (hehe… thats a les miz referance, witty)  was the value of a dollar.
When I was younger I use to waste food all the time and not see what was so wrong with it besides my moms anger fits at the end of the week when she went to the grocery store.  Now I care cause that’s my money were talking about here(serious face)!
So enjoy all the things I learned the hard way in London and you won’t have to make the same mistakes I did.

Location: London

Being Black in the UK?

I’m not gonna lie when I first got my acceptance letter to study abroad in London I had some reservations about coming to a city in a predominately Anglo or white country. As a black American I am hyper aware of prejudices because I have been so exposed to this all of my life. I first realized I was different my sophomore year in high school on the cheerleading squad as I was the only black student on the team. Now to most African America students that may seem very intimidating. Well for me it wasn’t because I’ve gone to school and lived in a town where nobody looked anything like me. So as I applied to study abroad I knew what I getting myself into, at least I was thought I knew.

I arrived in a beautiful city that embraced my difference in a way that I never could have imagined to be possible. For so long I have been shot down by “friends”, professors, even family member because of who I am. So it’s no surprise that being accepted and treated with tolerance was beyond abnormal to me. Ok so London’s different and by different I mean a lot of people are racially ambiguous and for that reason everyone experiences that “r word” that tears countries apart. But Londoner’s seem to embrace theses differences. The people are so exposed to so many different nationalities that me being whatever black that I am is collectively accepted.

I go to clubs and bar’s and pubs and guys for the first time talk to me and I feel really good about this because this has never happened to me before. I am so use to the blonde haired blue eyed bell getting all the guys attention and me being the best friend that nobody wants to be seen with. Ok that’s harsh but it’s true. Now I am not say at all that I haven’t experience racism here in this diverse city cause I have in the most unlikely places.  A student whose name I will not disclose out of respect has made it very aware the privileged white are oppressing all black. There may be some validation to this but I cannot support a person with a mentality from the 50’s. Not all white people are bad and not all black people are good. I was very y disturbed by knowing that it wasn’t the European students that had an issue but the American ones . She constantly badgered white and black student hammering her point that oppression is more than relevant in this day in age, that white people are all the same and hold the same racist traits putting a glass ceiling over all blacks every minute of every day. I slowly started realizing the radical mentality that this student was pressing on me and my thinking.

For weeks I thought there was something wrong with me. The voices in my head of the family member that told me that I wasn’t black enough were making their way toward the fore front of my mind. I am not insane and these words were like daggers. Being around this bitter student made me realize how much prejudice suck the life out of everything around it. I couldn’t breath, I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t live because I was too concerned about what this student might think or say. This video is not about this student this video is about observation and my personal experience as being an African American in the United Kingdom. I am making this video because I want black, white, brown, yellow, purple, and orange student to be encouraged to study broad! Don’t let the ideals or prejudices hold you back. Oppression is a state of mind and activism is a state of being. Go out and explore, the world is vast in nature and holds some of the most beautiful and tolerant creatures on the face of the planet.

 It was ironic that this racism boiled from what I thought was a surprising place. Now like I said before London is not perfect in fact nowhere is and racism reeks throughout the world but if you get the opportunity to study somewhere new and push yourself past racist attitudes then do it. As a brilliant rapper once said You only live once. So why not explore and learn. The best way to beat racism and prejudice to expose yourself to another person’s way of living.  Go out and do don’t think just go!

Location: London

The 5 Things You Should Avoid In London

 IIt’s been two month since I arrived in this spectacular city and yes it took me a while to get my bearings but it has indeed happened. This is not only exciting but eye opening because I am able to really observe what to do and what to avoid. I thought I’d make a video blog to accompany this written work. I’ve come up with 5 things that you should avoid while in London. Yes, I know I know they go over all the things to avoid at orientation but there are some little things that mean all the difference that I have picked up on.


         The first of course being Pigeons! I cannot stress enough how repulsed I am by Pigeon’s. Maybe it’s because I’m not an animal person but I doubt it. Their gross, point blank!


         Secondly, the tube is a place that holds many people going from point A to point B. It’s a safe and easy way to get around London. I encourage it but there are some things you should know from one germaphobe to the next. Your welcome.


         Buses are another great way to get around London and really get to know the area you are living in as well as walking. In fact I have saved a bunch of money walking to and from school in the mornings and afternoons. But walkers beware you are in for a scare, the buses are not afraid to run you over. Remember you’re not in Happy Valley anymore and Alum won’t stop for future graduates, giving them the right of way. This is London you better run!


         Third creeps AKA “cheeky bloaks”. self explanatory.


          Last and certainly NOT least avoid, avoid, and avoid ‘Debbie Downers’. We’ve all seen the episode of SNL where the giggling Jimmy Fallon, the notorious Lindsey Lohan and the clever Rachel Dratch are at Disney World and Dratch is a burden to all her friends with her down trodden comments. Let’s face it YOSAO(You Only Study Abroad Once) unless you do it twice whatever toots your fancy. You should spend your semester or year abroad surrounded by positive people. Have fun and explore, that’s what study abroad is for isn’t it? Don’t get bogged down with nonsense. As Sweet Brown, the YouTube sensation, so eloquently articulates “Ain’t nobody got time for that!”

Location: London

The Last Month: A Visual Timeline

  1. It all started at Shakespeare’s birth place at Stafford upon Avon.
  2. Then we were off to Kenilworth Castle to be kids for a day and play in the ruined castle, where my childhood dream of being a princess came true.
  3. Climbing all around the ruined castle was a blast. The greatest part was seeing a bunch of  twenty somethings run around like it was recess, exporting, climbing and jumping!
  4. The next trip was to Scotland! It was a looong coach ride but it was certainly worth it! First stop Cairngorm Mountain Reindeer Centre. Let’s get one thing straight, I’m not an animal person but I try(really hard) but animals smell fear and freak out on me! I’m just happy my “friend” was there to snap a pic just in time to capture a loving moment between the reindeer and I. 
  5. Then we went to Loch Ness for a boat trip to spot Nessie. I think I found her!
  6. This was a visit to Urquhart Castle
  7. Of course I had to go in a dungeon its like tradition or something.
  8. Next was Glen Coe Visitors Centre for a guided hike through the Glen Coe valley. Now this was absolutely stunning. it was great to get in touch with nature after a long week of mid terms.
  9. By this time I was ready for Oban Scotland a beautiful seaside city.
  10. Despite the dodgy hostel Edinburgh was my favorite. It had a blooming nightlife full of fun bars and dance clubs!
  11. last but not least our weekend ended at the Edinburgh Castle which is conveniently perched on an extinct volcano. I guess that’s better than a reindeer trying to bite your face off right?

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K. Castle with friends.jpg
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Scotland in a dungeon.jpg
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star jumpin in Oban.JPG
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scot castle.jpg

Location: London