Author Archives: ans5369

Preparations and the Days at Home

It’s hard to believe that my African adventure is just around the corner. After I arrived home from my summer of surveying birds (Southwestern Willow Flycatchers and Yellow-billed Cuckoos) in New Mexico, I immediately began spending time with my family and friends. Over these last few weeks, I’ve spent my time relaxing, spending time with my family (especially my niece), catching up with some members of my Penn State family and some high school friends, hanging out with mother nature at my favorite state park in Pennsylvania, attempting to get things done at home, and packing for my trip. It’s been a great past few weeks, but I am excited to begin my three month journey in Tanzania. I am just about ready to go. I am mostly packed now. The main thing that I am worried about is making it to the airport on time. My family and I are definitely planning to leave pretty early, but I am worried about the drive to the airport. I am just hoping all goes well with traffic, etc! 

Location: State College, PA

Africa Bound–My First Entry

Hello all!

“Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you!” -Dr Seuss

I thought that I would start out by introducing everyone to the quote that I choose to live by. The meaning behind Dr. Seuss’s quote is that it is truly ok to be yourself, and that everyone is special and unique in their own ways. My name is April Sperfslage. I have been accepted to study Wildlife Management this fall in Kenya and Tanzania through an education abroad program known as the School for Field Studies (SFS). Words cannot express how excited that I am! 



I am currently studying Wildlife and Fisheries Science at the Pennsylvania State University. I have also already received an Associate’s Degree in Wildlife Technology from Penn State. I was honored as the 2013 Outstanding Student in Wildlife Technology at Penn State. I have been involved in numerous wildlife management volunteer activities, which involved participating in anything from trapping White-tailed Deer for a mortality and distribution study to trapping a Northern Goshawk in the Allegheny National Forest. A major goal that I have is to live my life to the fullest and travel as much as possible, so that’s what I plan to do!


Not only will the opportunity support me academically, but it will also kickstart my dreams of traveling the world. Two important reasons that I chose to study abroad include to academically and personally enhance my life. While researching programs, the SFS study abroad program in Africa offered one of the best opportunities to practice wildlife management in the field. I am also excited to conduct research with SFS. 


The experiences that I expect to gain while abroad in Africa seem endless to me. I look forward to experiencing a whole new culture, and learning some of the Swahili language, also. I am excited to learn African wildlife and have the opportunity to photograph new landscapes and wildlife (I’m an amateur photographer). I believe that this program will enhance my communication skills, which is something that I really hope to improve on while abroad. I am enthused to make new friends, and hopefully build lifelong friendships and professional connections. Most importantly, I am excited to create memories that will last a lifetime. 

Please continue to follow my journey through my GeoBlog. I promise to keep it interesting and post as many pictures as possible!

Thank you for reading!

Location: State College, PA