The past week has been a memorable one. Pictures alone can’t do it justice, so here is an elaboration about my weekend spent traveling down the coast of Italy and the beginning of my work week.
First stop: Tenuta Vannulo
Tenuta Vannulo is an organic buffalo farm that sells fresh mozzarella, ricotta cheese, yogurt, gelato, and coffee. A group of us toured the buffalo farm, home to over 300 buffalo. They called it a spa because of the way they treat their buffalo, to reduce stress they play Mozart for two hours every morning and have spinning wheels that the buffalo can rub up against for a massage. Vaccines and antibiotics are not used on the buffalo, so the milk is all naturale. Using buffalo milk rather than cow milk makes their produce more creamy. I was hesitant at first, but lunch they made for us on the tour was one of, if not the best meal I have had in Italy yet. For sure the freshest meal I have ever eaten.
Next stop: Paestum
An ancient city founded by the Dorics. There we saw the Temple of Hera which dates back to 600 B.C. These ruins used to be under water in a quarry that was drained, and thats when they found this old city. In the museum we saw painted tombs from the burial monument: Tomba del tuffatore (Tomb of the Diver). The diver is a representation of live and death- Life is a short dive, death is a dive into the wildly unknown.
Later that night:
Our group stayed at Hotel Bristol on the rocks on the Amalfi Coast. You can see below our view of the ocean from the balcony.
Sunday morning:
We took a boat tour of the Amalfi Coast which was just as incredible as it sounds. When we got off the boat, we walked around the town for a while, shopping and sight seeing at the Cathedral. Then we headed to the beach. My Sunday consisted of swimming in crystal clear, warm water with the most amazing view behind my friends and I. My only complaint is that I wish I could stay there for weeks, not just one weekend.
Before heading home:
We took a bus up to Ravello villa that looks over the Amalfi coast. The gardens offered a breathtaking view, where we found the stage for Ravello festival. Obviously, we got on it and starting singing Lizzie Mcquires “this is what dreaammmsss are made of”
Back to reality on Monday:
Leaving work, I got home to my apartment, made dinner, and planned a wine night with my friends. We ended up on the steps of the Palazzaccio, drinking wine, playing music, and talking for hours. Wine night with a view, what could be better?
Tuesday night festivities included:
Pink Floyd Ballet Company performed at an outside arena in the Terme di Caracalla (Baths of Caracalla). Both the ballet company and the view were amazing. I loved every second, even though it was weird to be watching them dance from the audience and not be the one on stage.
Con amore,
Michelle xo