Dear Perugia,
It’s going to be weird not cursing at your Wi-Fi when trying to load Netflix.
It’s going to be weird not climbing the mountain of which we call Via dei Priori.
It’s going to be weird not pushing a door to enter a building.
It’s going to be weird not having to worry about data when trying to post a Snapchat of that early morning croissant filled with Nutella.
It’s going to be weird not having to play charades when trying to purchase something because you just started speaking the language a few weeks ago.
It’s going to be weird not worrying about the physical state of your feet because cobblestone is not kind.
It’s going to be weird not trying to find an ounce of warmth while walking on the cold tile floors of the apartments.
It’s going to be weird not rearranging our entire lives around the train schedules and what time the mini metro stops running.
It’s going to be weird not struggling to find just a spoonful of peanut butter.
It’s going to be weird not waiting for the stores to open up after 4 p.m. because of la pausa.
It’s going to be weird not worrying about if you should bring your own towel or if the hostel will provide one for you.
It’s going to be weird not eating dinner at 8 o’clock after near starvation during the day.
It’s going to be weird not pulling your hair out deciding what color bag the trash goes in.
It’s going to be weird not practically going bald after missing the right color bag trash day and having 20 blue bags piled up in your kitchen.
It’s going to be weird not spending the night in the Rome airport just to catch that early morning flight to your next destination.
It’s going to be weird not attempting to split the check at a restaurant 13 different ways because separate checks is a myth in Italia.
It’s going to be weird not waking up to the smell of sweet pastries in the morning.
It’s going to be weird not indulging in pounds of gelato without having any regrets.
It’s going to be weird not having pizza that’s actually fresh and not greasy like the sad round things we eat in America.
It’s going to be weird not walking down the street and having hundreds and hundreds of years of history in your view.
It’s going to be weird not waking up to the peak of the sun rising over the Western Alpine mountains that reside in your backyard.
It’s going to be weird not experiencing the relaxing nature of the Italian lifestyle.
It’s going to be weird not conversing with the sweet old sandwich man who always put a smile on your face and greets you with not one but two “Ciao’s.”
It’s going to be weird not sitting on the steps in the main piazza with some of your closest friends discussing when you would visit each other when you arrive back in the States.
It’s going to be weird not falling in love with you, Perugia, and all the amazing people you brought into my life.
It’s going to be weird…but the weird experiences are the ones you miss the most because they make for the most memorable stories.
The girl who will forever keep Perugia in her heart.
I love your idea for a “farewell letter”. It will definitely help with closure as you accumulate back to life in the States.