Hello, greetings, welcome to my part of the web.
I’ve been in London on the Literary London program for a week and a half so far, and it’s been really nice here so far. The weather has been a little less so, but that’s London for you. I’ve been walking around a lot, doing things with my fellow Study Abroad members, and I’ve got to say, if you ever consider going, bring an umbrella everywhere you go. Don’t make the same mistakes I made. One day it was pouring rain and we had to run and take cover every several feet while we were walking towards the Millennium Bridge to cross the Thames. Forgot to bring my umbrella, and it definitely would’ve come in handy…
Since I’ve been in the U.K. for a week or so now, I thought it might be best if I give you a quick recap of my journey so far.
So, I live around Pittsburgh, and I left Pittsburgh International to go to Philly, where the plane to London was.
The flight was really nice, and mostly uneventful. The whole process of flying was helped by the fact that I had prior experience flying before, so, to anyone else considering going to study abroad, knowing what to do and when to do it is a huge help in air travel, both to yourself and your fellow flyers. Taking your shoes off before a TSA agent has to tell you to, putting your laptop in it’s own separate box to be scanned, knowing your spot in the seat order so when they call your section to board you can do so – all of those sorts of things speed up the process and ensure a great experience. I know more than a few people who are absolutely scared by the process of flying, so trust me when I say that it’s a whole lot less scary than yo might think.
Anyways, after the flight, we were led to our rooms, which are very nice and comfy. Me and the other PSU students room just like up at State College, except for the fact that it feels more communal, more like supplemental housing than regular dorms. Also we get a living room and kitchenette, so, I guess it’d be more like living off-campus than any other choice that living in State College offers.
Continuing on, our rooms were only two blocks away from the British Museum, and there’s a whole lot to see there. I’ve lost count of the times somebody in our group would make some remark about “look at all this stuff they stole!”. There’s the pieces missing from the Parthenon, there’s the Rosetta Stone, numbers of statues Egyptian, Roman, and Greek; there’s also smaller displays on cultures from the Middle East and North America. And that’s not even mentioning the stuff they have from the Vikings. There’s tons of archaeological and cultural artifacts from around the world, and it’s really awesome being so close because you’ll never see everything in one go.
Thanks for bearing with me as I’ve adjusted to using this incredible website. Besides some of the day trips, walking around London, classes I’ve taken, and some photos, that’s most of what I’ve done so far. But I’ll be sure to include those and more in the coming chapters. See you back later!
Location: London, United Kingdom
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